The article is devoted to the substantiation of the methodological pattern for assessing the economic and social results of the development of recovery areas and its testing on the example of territorial communities of Donetska oblast. The authors propose a pool of indicators reflecting the key economic and social results of the development of these territories in the context of the war, which either have a normative value or are compared with the average indicator calculated on the basis of determining the maximum and minimum values. Publicly available economic indicators of the methodological pattern for assessing the economic and social results of the development of recovery areas include revenues, expenditures, communities, budget deficit/surplus, general fund revenues, the share of local taxes and fees, and land fees. Social indicators include: the number of people permanently residing in the territory of the territorial community, the number of internally displaced persons in the territory of the territorial community, and the number of pupils in general secondary education institutions. According to the current regulatory legal acts, the following indicators have a normative value: the number of population permanently residing on the territory of a territorial community, the number of pupils of general secondary education institutions, the number of internally displaced persons on the territory of a territorial community, and the share of local taxes and fees in the community’s income. The article presents a decomposition of the share of local taxes and fees in the total budget revenues in the context of territorial communities of Donetska oblast. Based on the results of the assessment of the socio-economic results of the development of territorial communities in Donetska oblast, the article emphasizes that in the conditions of war, some areas of recovery manage to revive their socio-economic potential faster. Kramatorsk city territorial community, the regional centre of Donetska oblast, is singled out as the undisputed leader. Andriyivka, Kryvorizhzhya, Shahove, and Komar communities are among the outsiders of socio-economic recovery, which necessitates increased attention to them by the state and local authorities, and the development of effective proposals to improve the results of the development of these territories in wartime and peacetime.
economic and social results, pattern, assessment, recovery areas, development, territorial communities, Donetska oblast
The presented article analyzes the problematic issues related to the formation of the strategic development documents of the newly formed (amalgamated) territorial communities in Ukraine. It is noted that in the context of decentralization each community needs to have a quality program and target documents (the Strategy and the Plan (Strategic plan) for further socio-economic growth. The authors prove that the processes of identifying issues and strategic vision of development, its main priorities and objectives, possible ways of their implementation and the necessary resources are quite difficult for members of the communities, as they do not have appropriate professional knowledge and practical experience. A clear methodological framework is emphasized for the effective organization of strategizing in addition to special knowledge of the participants. To accomplish the study objectives, the current methodological content that details the organization and implementation of strategic planning processes in communities is analyzed. In this way the authors analyze the normative-legal acts, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, as well as handbooks and methodics, prepared by experts of international and national public institutions. An overview of positive features of the relevant documents and their weaknesses are outlined. The problem situations that can occur in the territorial communities due to errors in strategic planning processes organization are emphasized. For solving the complex problems associated with the imperfection of methodical content in the field, the authors propose the ‘Guidelines for the elaboration of Strategy and the Strategic Development Plan for the newly formed (amalgamated) territorial communities in conjunction with the development strategy of the region. These are full methodological tools that enable the development of a quality strategy and strategic development plan. Guidelines are consistent with the current regulatory framework and comprehensively complement the existing methodological content of the regional development by Ministry, containing a description of the step-by-step strategic planning process, given the characteristics of participation and communication between entities, detailed relationships of the major planning documents in development with internal and external regulatory legal acts of the highest level, etc. Correlation of the main provisions of the advanced methodological content with the current regulatory legal acts in the sphere of strategic planning in the context of the sections and stages was built.
amalgamated territorial communities, development, strategic planning, program and target documents, guidelines
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