Samofatova Viktoriya AnatoliyivnaPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of economics of industry of the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies
UDC 332.135:[338.43:664.76](477.7); JEL O13, Q01, R11 Samofatova, V. A. (2017). Formuvannya zernovoho klasteru yak peredumova staloho rozvytku ahroprodovol'choyi sfery Pivdennoho rehionu [Forming of a grain cluster as an prerequisite for sustainable development in the agri-food sphere of the Southern region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 30-37. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 11
Samofatova, V. A. (2016). Stalyy rozvytok ahroprodovol’choyi sfery rehionu na osnovi klasternoho pidkhodu [Sustainable development of the agri-food sphere of the region on the cluster approach]. Ekonomika kharchovoyi promyslovosti – Economy of Food Industry, 4(8), 10–14. [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.01.030.009}