Semehen (Dzedzyk) Iryna BohdanivnaPh.D. of Economics
Senior Lecturer of the Department of finance, banking and insurance of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking
UDC 336.1.078.3: 336.71.067 Dzedzyk, I. B. (2013). Prychyny ta problemy vynyknennya bankostrakhuvannya v Ukrayini [Causes and Problems of Occurrence of Bankassurance Business in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 154-160. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 10
Dzedzyk, I. B. (2010). Zarubizhnyy dosvid klasyfikatsiyi kliyentiv z vysokym rivnem ryzyku, z tochky zoru imovirnosti "vidmyvannya" nymy hroshey cherez bankivs'ku ustanovu [Classification of Clients with High Level of Risk from the Viewpoint of Probability of Money Laundering through Bank Institutions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 95-100. [in Ukrainian].
Dzedzyk, I. B. (2008). Mistse ryzykiv u systemi finansovoho monitorynhu operatsiy bankivs'koyi ustanovy [A Place of Risks in the System of the Financial Monitoring of Operations of Banking Establishment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 109-114. [in Ukrainian].