Shkola Ihor MykolayovychDoctor of Economics, Professor
Head of the Department of international economics of the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Vyklyuk Yaroslav Ihorovych
UDC 338.27 Shkola, I. M., & Vyklyuk, Ya. I. (2008). Prohnozuvannya sotsial'no-ekonomichnykh protsesiv za metodolohiyeyu fraktal'noho rostu krystaliv u nechitkomu potentsial'nomu poli [Prognostication of Socio-Economic Processes on Methodology of Fractal Growth of Crystals in the Fuzzy Potential Field]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 240-250. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 17