Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Tkachenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Tkachenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Applicant of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:334.722]:334.012.82(477); JEL M20, O18, R12
Tkachenko, O. O. (2018). Potentsial rozvytku prostorovoyi intehratsiyi biznesu v rehionakh Ukrayiny: analiz ta otsinyuvannya [Capacity of spatial business integration development in Ukrainian regions: analysis and evaluation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 87 (1), 48-56. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Global experience of spatial business integration development shows that combination of knowledge, skills and available resources of business structures, scientific, research and educational institutions and authorities contributes to achievement of the best results. In this regard there is the urgent necessity to research the opportunities to form and develop various forms of business spatial integration at the territory of Ukrainian regions on the basis of «triple spiral» model of innovative development.
The article aims to determine the level of available capacity and perspectives of business spatial integration development in Ukrainian regions on the basis of «authorities-business-science» triad.
General and specific methods of scientific knowledge are the methodological basis of research. Calculation of integral index of business spatial integration capacity in a region is conducted on three-level hierarchy system of parameters (25 primary indicators, 4 subsidies: «institutional maintenance capacity», «business capacity», «scientific and educational capacity», «infrastructural capacity» and integral index of business spatial integration capacity in a region).
Analytical evaluation of available preconditions and possible perspectives of development of various forms of business spatial integration in Ukrainian regions through the prism of their business, infrastructural, institutional and scientific and educational capacities is conducted. The level of spatial business integration capacity by regions is defined on the basis of integral evaluation results. Strong and weak points of regions in terms of business spatial integration forms development on the basis of «authorities-business-science» triad are outlined.
The results of conducted research contributed to verification of the fact that at present conditions «authorities-business-science» triad can’t be the basis for development of the network of business spatial integration forms in majority of Ukrainian regions, primarily due to insufficient level of public assistance to scientific, research and innovative activity and small and medium enterprises and passive attitude towards forming of up-to-date ecosystem in regions. Instead, capacity of business and available infrastructure are strong components of business spatial integration forms capacity in the regions. Moreover, economy clusterization is the perspective of business spatial integration development in the regions.
The obtained research results can serve as scientific and analytical basis for making of relevant decisions on clusters forming in Ukrainian regions by public authorities, enterprises and organizations ready to cooperate.
Conducting of thorough research of clusterization capacity by economic activity types on the level of Ukrainian regions is the perspective direction of further research. 
business spatial integration, cooperation, capacity, region 

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