Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Tsybulska Yuliya Orestivna

Tsybulska Yuliya Orestivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Sector of transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Husyeva Mariya Oleksandrivna

Kalat Yaroslava Yaroslavivna

Mikula Nadiya Anatoliyivna

Prytula Khrystyna Myroslavivna

Tsisins'ka Oksana Bohdanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.9:332.135:316(477), JEL F29, R11
Prytula, K. M., Tsybulska, Y. O., Kalat, Y. Y., & Tsisinska, O. B. (2016). Suchasnyy stan i perspektyvy rozvytku transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva za uchastyu prykordonnykh rehioniv Ukrayiny: sotsiolohichna otsinka [The current state and prospects of cross-border cooperation development with the participation of border regions of Ukraine: sociological evaluation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 181-190. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The features of a modern development of cross-border cooperation (CBC) are investigated in this paper. Besides, the indicators of asymmetry in the adjacent border regions of Ukraine and neighbouring countries with are presented. The results of the expert survey on competent persons of the CBC (local government representatives from 16 border regions of Ukraine) are shown; the trends and directions of development of cross-border regions with the participation of Ukraine are outlined. In particular, the assessment of the development level of CBC by economic activities is given; the efficacy of CBC forms are defined for their impact on the development of the region; the activity level of individual subjects and participants of CBC is defined; the main obstacles to its development are highlighted; the economic activities to be developed primarily in the context of cross-border regions are outlined; the sources of information support of regional authorities within the CBC are researched; the distribution channels of information on development opportunities of CBC by regional authorities among its members and actors are presented.
It is investigated that today according to only about half of the respondents cross-border cooperation is actively developing. The most effective forms of cross-border cooperation in their impact on regional development here is the cross-border projects and an agreements on cross-border cooperation. Cross-border innovation structures, cross-border clusters and Euroregions don’t play a weighty role in the development of border regions. However, the formation and establishment of operation of new forms of cross-border cooperation will boost investment inflows into the economy of the border area and effective use of their potential.
The trends of preserving the strengthening role of individual participants of CBC (NGOs) are found in order to strengthen cross-border interactions and overcome the institutional gaps in the formation of new forms of networked interactions in cross-border area. The European experience of using the possibilities of Euro-regional cooperation will expand the circle of participants in cooperation of adjacent areas and diversify the mechanisms and instruments of such cooperation. In summary, in the Ukraine the information exchange system between Ukrainian and foreign partners is poorly established, which hinders their effective interaction. The low level of information support for CBC on the part of central government, insufficiently informed general public, etc., all together causes low activity of CBC’ subjects.
The problems of discrepancies in the legislation and frequent changes in the leadership of local authorities in cross-border areas involving border areas of EU Member States are substantial obstacles to cross-border cooperation. Setting up an efficient information system for all subjects and the participants of cross-border cooperation will contribute to levelling the existing barriers and will open new possibilities for enhancing cooperation in the cross-border regions (in particular by monitoring the situation on cross-border markets, preventing threats to the economic security of the border region, etc.).
The paper suggests the immediate steps to enhance the CBC involving all border regions of Ukraine. 
cross-border cooperation, cross-border regions, border regions, CBC forms 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146.2: 332.122.5
Mikula, N. A., Tsybulska, Y. O., & Tsisinska, O. B. (2014). Mekhanizmy zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti v transkordonnomu prostori [Mechanisms of the competitiveness ensuring in the cross-border space]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 239-249. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

Boundary regions of neighboring countries combine their efforts towards the development of common or coordination of existing mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring in the struggle for human resources for investment and business in cross-border space. However, such existing problems of cross-border actors’ interactions as differences in legislation, inappropriate infrastructure and lack of close cooperation between cross-border actors, leads to the low level of cross-border cooperation, which in turn leads to the outflow of labor for permanent residence in other countries, location of business and investments in other countries or “central” regions of the state – all this deepens the gap in the socio-economic development of the border regions. Theoretical, methodological and methodical approaches to the research and development of mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring in the cross-border space remain under-developed, that confirm the relevance and necessity of the researches in this area.

The purpose of this article is to outline the theoretical foundations of the development of mechanisms to ensure competitiveness in the cross-border space.

The theoretical basis for the development of the mechanisms for the cross-border space competitiveness ensuring is outlined in the article. Particularly, the approaches to the essence of cross-border space and competitiveness in the cross-border space are generalized. Special attention is focused on the need to development of new and convergence of the existing mechanisms to ensure the competitiveness in the cross-border space and the role of government in these processes. The competitiveness of cross-border area will be ensured through borrowing or the extension of existing mechanisms competitiveness from/to neighboring areas and/or the formation of joint mechanisms in cross-border region for the appearance of the competitive advantage. Thus, the approach to competitiveness ensuring in the cross-border space through the convergence of legal, organizational and economic mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring from each side of the border is proposed in the article.

The decrease of the differentiation in the level of economic development and harmonization of legislation will facilitate the growth of cross-border mobility of the inhabitants of the cross-border region, the emergence of joint ventures and business infrastructure elements, as well as this will enhance cross-border cooperation. Particularly important in these processes is the role of authorities of all levels. Effective cooperation of regional authorities and local self-governing authorities from different sides of the border would create conditions for raising funds from international funds and donor organizations for their further investment in the development of the cross-border region, for the continuous learning process of whole actors of cross-border cooperation and other institutions involved in the development of the region, for the formation of organizational and information infrastructure for interaction of authorities, regional or local development agencies from cross-border region through the creation of a single institutional mechanism, as well as will facilitate the development of informational materials and presentations about the cross-border region and various international events to improve its international image and intensify cross-border cooperation to promote fundraising from international private investors and organizations, etc. 

cross-border space, competitiveness, mechanism, mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Tsybulska, Y. O., Tsisinska, O. B., & Huseva, M. O. (2011). Implementatsiya v Ukrayini yevropeys'koho dosvidu stvorennya transkordonnykh partnerstv [Implementation in Ukraine of experience in creating cross-border partnerships]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 159-166. [in Ukrainian]. 

The peculiarities of cross-border partnerships, the role and importance in the development of border regions. Focuses attention on the opportunities and obstacles that may arise in its creation. Describe the organizational structure, management of cross-border partnerships and its life cycle. 
partnership, cross-border partnerships, cross-border labor markets 

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