Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Verbova Oksana Stepanivna

Verbova Oksana Stepanivna

Doctor of Economics

Professor of the Department of economic theory of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Verbova, O. S. (2010). Ukrayins'kyy kooperatyzm yak ideyna pidvalyna zakhidnoukrayins'koyi kooperatsiyi u mizhvoyennyy period [Ukrainian Cooperatizm as Ideological Foundation of Western Ukrainian Cooperation in the Interwar Period]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 208-215. [in Ukrainian]. 

The basic ideological foundations of Ukrainian cooperatizm are presented on the basis of publications of theorists and leaders of the national cooperation in the Western Ukraine in the interwar period. The synthesis of the values of civil society and the national liberation movement based on Ukrainian traditions of solidarity has become the institutional dominant of this doctrine. Special attention is paid to the fact that basing on the ideas of prominent theorists of the world cooperative movement K. Pankivsky, S. Kuzyk, A. Zhuk (Ilchenko), K. Kobersky, Yu. Pavlykovsky, O. Lutsky, I. Petrushevych have created Ukrainian theoretical and organizational principles of cooperatizm and established national cooperation as social and economic phenomena. It is stated that outlook of the Ukrainian cooperatizm in the interwar period had in its basis the postulates of Christian personalism. 
Ukrainian cooperatizm, civil society, national economic movement, Ukrainian solidarism, institutionalism, personalistic values 

Веб-майстер П. Попадюк