Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Viktorov Bohdan Vitaliyovych

Viktorov Bohdan Vitaliyovych

Postgraduate of the KROK University




Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.372.84(477)(438); JEL F29:O32
Viktorov, B. V. (2020). Porivnyal'nyy analiz rozvytku innovatsiynykh merezhevykh pidpryyemstv Ukrayiny ta Pol'shchi [Comparative analysis of the development of innovative network companies in Ukraine and Poland]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 97 (3), 101-108. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The level of development of the network companies functioning at national and international markets shows their capacity to create highly efficient products (services) from the viewpoint of technologies, consumer properties, and market requirements that would secure their competitive positions and financial and economic condition, and improve the innovativeness of the country. The integration with international markets and innovative development for the network structures depends on the development level of organizational, communicational, scientific-technological, and economic characteristics of the activity. Currently, Ukrainian innovative network structures do not lag behind the foreign ones by certain aspects and development directions. Therefore, finding the comparative characteristics of the development of Ukrainian and foreign innovative network companies will contribute to estimating the capacity by the nature of the strengths and weaknesses of these entities. The article systematizes the strengths and weaknesses (problems) of innovative development in the network interaction of participants of Ukrainian and Polish innovative network companies. The article proves that in comparison with the Polish ones, the Ukrainian network structures have a lower level of communication exchange of knowledge, development of interaction between the personnel of the participants, the management of the participants at all levels; less access to scientific laboratories for all network participants due to imperfect guidelines in the use of equipment; insufficient level of joint financing of costs for staffing and training of staff and coordination between members of the networks on cooperation with contractors, which affects the growth of technical and economic indicators. The article reveals that in comparison with Ukrainian innovation networks, Polish companies do not carry out projects for independent creation of intangible assets (technologies, programs), they just adapt the acquired ones. This aspect is a significant advantage of Ukrainian network structures that indicates a higher intellectualization and further prospects. 
innovative network structures, strengths, weaknesses, development, intangible assets, network interaction, implementation, intellectualization 

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