Zaremba Vitaliy MykolayovychPh.D. of Economics
Applicant of the Department of finance and economics of natural resources of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Pavlov Volodymyr Ivanovych
Fesina Yuriy Heorhiyovych
UDC [338.43:339]:316.334.2+330.15 Pavlov, V. I., Zaremba, V. M., & Fesina, Yu. H. (2008). Instytutsional'ni determinanty ratsional'noho ahrarnoho pryrodokorystuvannya v rehioni [Institutional Determinants of Rational Agrarian Nature Use in the Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 105-113. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 4