Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Zaychenko Volodymyr Vasylyovych

Zaychenko Volodymyr Vasylyovych

Ph.D. of Public Administration, Associate Professor

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University




Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.137:330.341.1(477); JEL E10, О30
Zaychenko, V. V. (2020). Stratehichni priorytety zabezpechennya tekhnolohichnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Strategic priorities to ensure technological competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 134-143. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The relevance of the technological competitiveness of the national economy at the present stage of Ukraine's socio-economic development is grounded. The purpose of the article is to justify strategic priorities for the technological competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The study uses a scientific method of analysis and synthesis to justify the strategic tasks and strategic priorities of the state policy of technological competitiveness strengthening. The principles of state policy to ensure the technological competitiveness of Ukraine's economy are defined. The purpose of the state policy of ensuring technological competitiveness of the national economy is defined as strengthening of external and internal technological competitiveness through the development of internal competition and strengthening of production competitiveness on the basis of advanced technological innovations and information technologies, systemic support of elements of innovation infrastructure, formation, and realization of intellectual and human resources potential of technological economic development. The paper shows that modern policy of ensuring technological competitiveness of Ukraine's economy is formed in conditions of the modern challenges of global competition, namely the influence of global crises and financial and economic instability; increase of external expansion through globalization processes, development of information economy; pressure of the country's debt obligations; the growth of import dependence; high external labor migration activity; disruption of economic development through military conflict and hybrid attacks; critical disparities of regional development. The strategic priorities of state policy for the technological competitiveness of Ukraine's economy are defined: intensification of technological development of economy, growth of the general level of innovation activity, formation of the competitive intellectual property market, development of infrastructure for support of technological innovations, improvement of the resource provision of innovation activity. 
technological competitiveness, strategic priorities, economic growth, technological innovation, economic modernization 

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