Zhuk Mykola OleksandrovychEconomist of the accounting department of PJSC "Oksi Bank"
Contacts: nickzhuk@bigmir.net
Zdrok Valentyn Volodymyrovych
UDC 330.341.1:338.49 Zhuk, M. O., & Zdrok, V. V. (2013). Analiz platospromozhnosti pozychal'nyka - predstavnyka domohospodarstva za dopomohoyu ekonometrychnykh modeley binarnoho vyboru [Analysis of Solvency of the Borrower – the Representative of the Household with the Help of an Econometric Model of Binary Choice]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 114-122. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 7