Scientific and practical journal "Regional Economy" was founded in 1996.
ISSN 1562–0905
Founders of the journal:
Publisher of the journal:
Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine.
Editor – Doctor of Economics, Professor Vasyl Kravtsiv
The journal covers theoretical and practical problems that related to the formation and implementation of state regional policy in Ukraine, problems of social and economic life of its regions.
In the journal served official materials, business information, reports, and reviews.
The journal is aimed on researchers, teachers, administrators, specialists of the economy, entrepreneurs, graduate students.
Journal is registered (Resolution of Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine Presidium on 2009, December 16 №1-05/6) and later reregistered (Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on 2015, October 7 №1021) in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which may be published results of dissertations for academic degrees of doctor in the economics and doctor of the philosophy.
Journal «Regional Economy» is included in the international scientometrics base Index Copernicus, Poland – from 2012.
Bibliometric profile of journal in Google Scholar.
Web page of journal on website of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
Web page for subscription of the journal «Regional economy».
Frequency: 4 issues per year (quarterly).
Languages of publication: Ukrainian, English, Russian
The Editorial Board here
Requirements to papers here
Requirements for bibliographic composing here
Terms of publications here
Contact information here
The editorial of journal:
