Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.03.181

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 314.18:[332.122:338.43](477.8)
Krupin, V. Y., Maksymenko, A. O., & Zlydnyk, Y. R. (2014). Sotsial'no-demohrafichnyy potentsial sil's'kykh terytoriy Zakhidnoho rehionu: problemy formuvannya ta shlyakhy realizatsiyi [Socio-demographic potential of rural areas of Western region: problems of formation and ways of implementation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 181-191. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 9



In the Western region of Ukraine, where the shares of rural population and rural areas are comparatively high, the problems of socio-economic development have common features, therefore they require to be determined and analyzed in order to ensure an effective realization of the existing potential.

The purpose of the article is to analyze current state, trends and prospects of development of socio-demographic potential in rural areas of Western region of Ukraine.

The rural population of Western Ukraine has been reducing since the achievement of independence. The proportion of age structure has changed insignificantly in the last 12 years (2000-2012). In 2012, age group of 15-64 years remained the largest. At the same time, population under 15 years has been declining.

It should be noted that the decrease rate of the economically inactive population under 15 years of age is higher compared to the age group of over 65 years old. There is a strong possibility in short-term perspective that burden on people of working age will be increasing due to growth of the share of elderly people and absence of positive growth rates of youth.

The problems of forming the educational level of the population and medical care in rural areas have been outlined in the article. Coverage of the population with preschool and secondary education has been estimated, the problem of staff development in rural areas has been emphasized upon, and provision of primary care in rural areas has been reviewed. Employment and unemployment rates in rural areas have been analyzed. In particular, employment rate of the rural population in the Western region varies and common trend hasn’t been observed. As to unemployment rate in rural areas, in 2012 only three oblasts (Ivano-Frankivska, Lvivska, and Ternopilska oblasts) had this figure below the average national level.

Realization of socio-demographic potential of rural areas in Western Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach that will include the following main directions: 1) ensuring the development of agriculture as a priority economic activity and its transformation to market oriented; 2) activization of non-agricultural activities; 3) modernization of industrial and social infrastructure, ensuring not only quantitative growth of infrastructural objects, but also improvement of their and the quality of their services; 4) transformation of the rural population mentality through education and information policy in order to increase initiative and active participation in economic and social life on the territory of their residence.


demographic indicators, education level, healthcare, employment, rural areas, Western region of Ukraine

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