Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.04.139

UDC [332.122:338.43](23)(477); JEL O10, O18, Q28, R58
Kolodiychuk, I. A. (2017). Rozvytok sil's'koho hospodarstva u hirs'kykh rehionakh: yevropeys'kyy dosvid i propozytsiyi dlya Ukrayiny [The development of agriculture in the mountain regions: European experience and suggestions for Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 139-147. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 13



The modern approaches to solving the problem of mountain areas in European countries are considered. The decisive role of agriculture in their development is emphasized. The analysis confirms that the problems of economic, ecological and social kind within mountainous areas of European countries are solved either by means of active agrarian policy or within the framework of regional mountain policy realization aimed at compensation of negative influence of natural and climatic resource properties of mountains territories, through providing of investment support for the development of priority types and spheres of economic activity, in particular agriculture. The Common Agricultural Policy costs of 2007-2013 for improving the rural conditions and agriculture in Austria and the integrated approach of Switzerland to rural development and mountain regions are considered in detail. The conclusions are that the majority of mountainous countries form a mountainous development policy strategy aimed at compensating for the negative impact of the natural and climatic resource properties of the mountain areas, providing investment support for the development of priority types and spheres of economic activity, in particular agriculture. We position the implementation of comprehensive accounting and monitoring of the land resources condition as a determining, driving and stimulating precondition for achieving progress in socio-economic development of mountain areas. This will allow changing the character of economic activity and improving the investment climate in mountainous regions. Considerable attention is paid to the issue of agricultural manufactures stimulation in the mountainous areas. The main disadvantages of the national system of the mountain agriculture stimulation, which do not allow disclosing the possibilities of these territories to the fullest extent, are identified. The directions of agricultural producers’ economic support in the mountainous regions of Ukraine were suggested in order to prevent the decline of the agrarian sphere of local population employment, which is traditionally leading for such territories. We are convinced that the policy of mountain farming in Ukraine should be guided by the principles and fundamentals of the updated Common Agricultural Policy of the EU, and that by granting the state support to the agrarian sector of the mountain regions economy it is possible to approach the resolution of the extremely important problems of compliance with the environmental requirements in agricultural production. The directions of agriculture ecologization in the mountainous areas were suggested.


mountain territories, mountain policy, agriculture, stimulation instruments, agricultural producer support

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Sources: 8

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Sources: 17

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