Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.03.029

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC [332.122:911.375]:[339.922+338.244.47]; JEL O18, R22, R58
Pavlikha, N. V., & Voychuk, M. V. (2018). Kontseptual'ni zasady upravlinnya stalym rozvytkom mista v umovakh yevropeys'koyi intehratsiyi ta realizatsiyi reformy detsentralizatsiyi [Conceptual principles of management of sustainable urban development in the conditions of European integration and implementation of the decentralization reform]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 89 (3), 29-35. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 19


Pavlikha Nataliya Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Head of the Department of international economic relations and project management of the Faculty of International Relations of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Voychuk Maksym Volodymyrovych

Postgraduate of the Department of international economic relations and project management of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




The conceptual principles of management of sustainable urban development in the conditions of European integration and implementation of the decentralization reform arerevealed. Approaches to the definition of the categories «city» and «sustainableurban development» are proposed. It is substantiated that the regional preconditions that have a direct impact on the sustainable urban development are institutional, social, economic, and environmental conditions. Revealed that in the structure of available methodical approaches to assessing the level of sustainable city development and analyzing the efficiency of management of this process there are some differences, which indicates the need for their improvement for application in the process of diagnostics management of sustainable development of the city.Proposed to apply a synergetic approach to the study of the problems of management of sustainable development of the city, which allows to identify inter-environment integration patterns of self-organization of the city as a complex socio-economic and ecological system. Suggested to use such partial indicators for the integrated assessment of sustainable development of Ukrainian cities as development of the social sphere, economic and ecological situation. The calculation of the integral index of sustainable development of the regional centers of Ukraine has been done, the results of which have revealed significant differences in the level of sustainable development in Ukrainian cities. Substantiated that in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement with the European Union it is advisable to introduce directions for increasing the efficiency of strategic management of sustainable development of the city. These include: implementation of the principles of strategic management of city development in accordance with the key priorities of the regional policy of the European Union; decentralization of public administration and development of territorial communities; using the methodology of project management and sustainable city development programs to increase the role of social responsibility of business in the structure of sustainable development of the city; adherence to the principles of environmental safety and the development of the green economy.The management of sustainable urban development in the context of decentralization reform envisages the definition of strategic goals, objectives and target priorities aimed at socio-economic growth and the achievement of the ecological balance, and improvement of the quality of life of the population, possibly with the concentration of power at the basic level. The theoretical and methodological generalization and development of conceptual principles of management of sustainable development of the city, which allow developing the directions of its organizational and economic provision in the current conditions of the reform of the national economy, the formation of competitive territorial communities, processes of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, is carried out.


city, sustainable development, management of sustainable urban development, European integration, efficiency of management


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