Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.04.085

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.564.2:005; JEL E64, E25, D31
Zherebylo, I. V., & Kolodiy, S. K. (2018). Metody ta instrumenty derzhavnoho rehulyuvannya dokhodiv naselennya: teoretychnyy aspekt [Theoretical review of the main methods and instruments of the state regulation of the population income]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 85-93. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].


Zherebylo Iryna Vladyslavivna

Ph.D. of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Director of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking

Contacts: zherebі,


Kolodiy Svitlana Kuzmivna

Postgraduate of the University of Banking




The problem of income differentiation that exists in our society requires appropriate state regulation, which must take into account the peculiarities of our post-transformational economy and effectively influence the level of incomes of the population. Therefore, the purpose of the article is the theoretical analysis of methods and instruments of state regulation of incomes and identification of such instruments that play a major role in the process of formation and redistribution of incomes at this stage. State regulation of incomes is a process of influence of state bodies on social and economic processes, which are related to the formation of primary and secondary incomes of the population. Methods of state regulation of incomes are the ways the state influences the process of formation and redistribution of incomes. The main instruments of state regulation of incomes are the definition of minimum wages and other social guarantees; Unified tariff grid, as an instrument for regulating the level of remuneration of employees of the budget sphere; indexation of incomes; expenditures on state social transfers and level of tax burden. The instruments of state regulation of incomes can be divided into those that affect the formation of primary incomes, those involved in the redistribution of income and the formation of secondary incomes of the population and those that affect both the formation of primary and the formation of secondary incomes of the population. Thus, state regulation of incomes is a system of forms, methods and instruments of the state's influence on the process of formation of primary and secondary incomes, aimed at reducing the level of income differentiation of the population.


population incomes, primary and secondary incomes of population, state regulation of incomes, methods of state regulation of incomes, instruments of state regulation of incomes


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