Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.01.065

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 339.923:330.341; JEL F29, O19
Bilyk, R. S. (2019). Klasteryzatsiya yak instrument zabezpechennya konkurentnykh perevah natsional'noyi ekonomiky u yevropeys'komu innovatsiynomu prostori [Clustering as an instrument for ensuring the competitive advantages of the national economy in the European innovation space]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 91 (1), 65-75. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 13



The theoretical and methodological foundations of formation and development of clusters, which are the newest and effective tool for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, are considered. The world experience in the formation and effective functioning of cluster formations is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the development of clustering of the economy of European countries. The main branches of European countries, in which the largest number of clusters operates, are determined. The peculiarities of functioning of the cluster economy model in Scandinavian countries, Italy, Germany, countries of Central and Eastern Europe are analyzed. The clusters that work most effectively are listed. The advantages of combining enterprises into clusters and the influence of the latter on the development of technology transfer and the innovation and investment development of the country and its regions in the conditions of global competition are determined. The peculiarities of economy clustering and its new forms are studied. The expediency of using the clustering mechanism in Ukraine based on the experience of highly developed countries of the world is substantiated. The methodical approaches to comparative analysis of development stages and mechanisms of effective use of economic advantages of clusters on micro, meso and macro levels, as well as typology of clusters and the classification of types of cluster associations have been improved, which made it possible to identify the structure of economic interests of cluster participants in the process of implementing competitive relations. The transformational changes in the activity of clusters as a result of the evolution of global processes and the intensification of the use of information and communication technologies are considered. The expediency of creation and functioning of clusters in Ukraine as an important factor in ensuring the competitive advantages of its economy in the conditions of global development is substantiated. The current state and problems of the development of innovation-technological clusters in Ukraine are revealed. The identified areas of the economy and the sectors in which the clusters were created are the following: the construction industry, heavy and light industry, the agrarian sector and tourism. The prospective directions of clustering at the level of transport infrastructure, cross-border clusters and clusters with IT technologies are mentioned. The paper explores the mechanism of formation of cluster associations on the basis of identification of the main market trends and determines organizational principles and forms of interaction of cluster participants, as well as technologies of forming current competitive advantages in national sector clusters and increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The author suggests the directions of improvement of the state policy in terms of stimulation of creation and functioning of innovation-technological clusters in Ukraine and attraction of small and medium enterprises to their network. Proposals regarding the increase of cluster functioning efficiency and ensuring of their positive influence on the development of national economy are offered. Recommendations on the implementation of cluster strategies in Ukrainian economy are developed.


clusters, clustering of economy, competitive advantages, global innovation space


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