UDC 332.021:[339.923:061.1EU]; JEL F42, O18, O52, R58 Davymuka, S. A., Kuybida, V. S., & Fedulova, L. I. (2019). Tendentsiyi rozvytku novoyi rehional'noyi polityky YeS [Trends of new regional policy development in EU member states]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 91 (1), 76-87. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2019-1-9. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 22
ResumeSlow transformations in socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions in the context of public authorities’ decentralization policy show poor efficiency of both state regional policy in general and regional policies of territories’ development in its former forms. This activates discussions and search for more efficient and adequate approaches to management of spatial development in the context of implementation of European integration course, taking into account the experience of European Union. The paper aims to outline the nature of modern role of regions in the context of regional policy and to reveal and explain the trends of practical implementation of new regional policy in the EU with further development of recommendations for authorities to be considered in strategic governance of territorial development in Ukraine. The nature of modern role of regions in the context of regional policy is outlined and conceptual foundations of new EU regional policy are defined. Special attention in paid to the increasing role of local actors and public authorities’ decentralization in the process of regional development governance. The trends of forming and implementation of new regional policy in the EU are revealed and specified, including the compliance with the established European values, interrelation between the goals of the policies of EU regions and cities with stimulation of economic growth and improvement of the quality of life based on strategic investment; structural changes in forming of European budget, innovative imperative of EU regional development and strengthening of external integration of regions. Based on the analysis of European experience, the lessons for authorities responsible for state regional policy of Ukraine are outlined. Targeted recommendations for state authorities are suggested to be taken into account in the process of forming and implementation of regional development strategy in conditions of decentralization of authorities and ongoing European integration processes. Special role is paid to the need to apply “soft” measures of regional policy that contribute to more extended attraction of informal institutes and creation of conditions for involvement of all regional actors into the process of making and accomplishment of management decisions.
Keywords:regions, new regional policy, trends, decentralization, regional development strategies
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