Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.03.024

UDC 338.49:332.14; JEL R58, K00
Shults, S. L., & Lutskiv, O. M. (2019). Normatyvno-pravovi zasady rozbudovy prykordonnoyi infrastruktury [Legal framework of border infrastructure development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 24-36. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 18



The paper emphasizes that development of border infrastructure according to standards and requirements of international standards is one of the major tasks of the measures taken to increase transit capacity of border areas. Therefore, the issues of border infrastructure development should be one of the priority tasks of both central and local authorities. Nowadays, although there is a range of regulative, legal and strategic documents developed to support the functioning of border infrastructure, they need improvement oriented on new requirements and European integration course of Ukraine. The paper aims to analyze regulative, legal and program documents to develop border infrastructure, reveal problem and controversial points in them and suggest recommendations regarding their elimination. Special attention is paid to analysis of the range of legal, regulative, strategic and program documents to support the development of border infrastructure. In the first place, they are the documents that regulate the activity in cross-border cooperation, spatial development and territorial planning, transport activity and transport networks functioning as well as regulative acts regarding the activity of state border service and border crossing points, etc. Among the analyzed documents are the Laws of Ukraine “On Cross-Border Cooperation”, “On General Scheme of Planning of the Territory of Ukraine”, “On Regulation of Urban Planning Activity”, “On Automobile Roads”, “On the Sources of Funding of Road Economy of Ukraine”, “On Concessions to Build and Maintain Roads”, “On Public-Private Partnership”. Moreover, a range of documents of strategic nature, which substantiate the place of border infrastructure in implementation of long-term priorities of Ukraine’s development and defines the perspectives of its modernization, is analyzed, namely 2020 State Regional Development Strategy, Concept of Creation and Functioning of National Network of International Transport Corridors in Ukraine, State Border Service Development Strategy, 2030 National Transport Strategy of Ukraine, Concept of Reforming of Transport Sector of Economy, Concept of State Targeted Law Enforcement Program “2020 Development and Reconstruction of State Border”. Program documents of border infrastructure development support are also analyzed, namely 2016-2020 State Program of Cross-Border Cooperation Development and 2018-2022State Targeted Economic Program of Public Automobile Roads Development.


border infrastructure, border cooperation, legislative framework, transit capacity, transport network


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