Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.03.037

UDC 314.7:332.112(477.8); JEL С18, I20, O15
Semiv, L. K. (2019). Metodychnyy pidkhid do otsinky seredovyshcha osvitn'oyi mihratsiyi naselennya Karpats'koho rehionu [Methodical approach to the assessment of the educational migration environment of the population of the Carpathian region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 37-48. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 4



The role and importance of the educational migration environment in activating migration movements of the population is described. The main components of the educational migration environment of the population are identified, and their features are outlined. Indicators have been proposed and the conditions for the formation of the educational migration environment of the population have been determined. It is proved that «freedom of knowledge movement» motivates students, teachers and researchers to combine educational and research activities with future employment abroad. The processes of educational migration in the form of cross-border education and academic mobility are presented. The concept of educational migration environment is defined and five main components of its formation are described: quantitative measurement of educational migration potential; quality of the academic environment; motivational conditions; opportunities for universities and industry collaboration in research; institutional conditions in the educational sphere. The list of indicators offered by the Ukrainian statistics is provided for quantitative representation of each component of the educational migration. Based on the method of multidimensional (cluster) analysis, the regional index of formation of educational migration environment is calculated. Using this method allows to move from the assessment of educational migration environment on 28 indicators to the construction of one synthetic indicator. Application of methodical approach allows to see the place of the region by the important parameters of development of the environment of educational migration of the population, to evaluate the attractiveness, opportunities and threats of formation of this environment in the regional dimension. It is proved that the «most favorable» environment in the Carpathian region has the Lviv region (4th place in Ukraine). Other regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians occupy in the ranking the lower places: respectively Ivano-Frankivsk (15th place), Chernivtsi (21st place), Transcarpathian region (24th place)


migration, educational migration, environment, indicators, integral index, region, Carpathian region


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