Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.03.088

UDC 336.14:352(477.64); JEL H72, H73
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Benovska, L. Ya. (2019). Osoblyvosti ta tendentsiyi byudzhetnoho zabezpechennya rozvytku Zaporiz'koyi oblasti v umovakh byudzhetnoyi detsentralizatsiyi [Features and tendencies of budgetary provision of Zaporizhzhya region development in the conditions of budget decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 88-97. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10



The purpose of the article is to study trends and identify problems of budgetary provision of the development of Zaporizhzhia region in the context of budgetary decentralization reform. Methods of systematic and comparative analysis, graphical visualization, generalization and statistical methods were used for the study. The article examines the impact of decentralization reform on the financial provision of social and economic development of administrative and territorial units of Zaporizhzhia region. The comparative analysis of the budgetary provision of the development of Zaporizhzhya region and other regions of the Central region is conducted. The article describes the trends and problems of Zaporizhzhya region development. The following positive trends were revealed: increase of revenues to local budgets of the region; reduction of transfer dependence of the region on the state budget; formation of high-taxation CTCs. The negative tendencies of development were: increase of differentiation of financial provision of the development of the regional center and other administrative and territorial units, reduction of the growth rate of revenues to the development budget of Zaporizhzhia region. Attention is drawn to the fact that under the conditions of decentralization reform and administrative and territorial reform, consolidated territorial communities are actively being formed in the Zaporizhzhya region, most of them with high financial capacity, which testifies to the high potential of regional development. The article analyzes the regional target programs of Zaporizhzhia region and clarifies the possibilities of their integration with the Action Plans for implementation of the Regional Development Strategies. The dominance of the social component over the development of regional target programs and low level of implementation of a number of programs are emphasized.


budgetary provision, budget revenues, tax revenues, regional target programs, reform, development


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