Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.03.098

UDC 336.225; JEL H21, H26
Alieksieiev, I. V., Paranchuk, S. V., & Chervinska, O. S. (2019). Sub’yekty ta efektyvnist' podatkovoho kontrolyu [Subjects and effectiveness of tax control]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 98-105. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 17



The article deals with the composition of the participants in the monitoring of tax flows and the effectiveness of tax control (control work) in the part of the tax payments. The purpose of the work is to study the effectiveness of tax administration, fees, payments, monitoring of tax and non-tax (financial) flows in the regions of Ukraine by the results of tax control (control and verification measures). The expediency of using the concepts of «tax and non-tax flows» for deepening and possible in the further studies of mathematical description of the trends of changes in the corresponding budget revenues is substantiated. The interaction of control bodies (tax authorities) and taxpayers as subjects of the tax process is generalized. The functions of the controlling bodies (State Fiscal and Customs Service of Ukraine) to ensure the filling of the revenue part of the state and local budgets are considered. The components of monitoring the administration of taxes, fees, payments are investigated. The analysis of tax and non-tax receipts of income (payments) to ensure the formation of state and local budgets is conducted. The data of the main indicators of control work in the oblasts of the western region of Ukraine for 2014-2018 are presented. Important are additional payments to the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine, which are the result of elimination of violations of the tax legislation of Ukraine (underpayment of taxes and other payments, penalties). The study shows the uneven income of this financial (cash) flow. The share of cash accruals in tax revenues of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine also shows some fluctuations of the tax flows. The article proves that in the Western regions of Ukraine, the number of documentary checks in 2018 decreased by almost 50% compared to 2014, and the amount of additional accrued monetary liabilities in 2018 increased by one third (33.8%). A similar situation is peculiar to Ukrainian economy. This can be seen as an indication of the improvement in the quality of tax activity in these regions.


tax control, effectiveness, control measures, DFS of Ukraine, taxpayers, tax and non-tax (financial) flows


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