Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.01.014

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.122:007.2.57:004.77(477); JEL О12, L86, R10, R23
Irtyshcheva, I. O., & Senkevych, O. F. (2020). Tsyfrova transformatsiya rehioniv Ukrayiny: ob’yektyvna neobkhidnist', pryntsypy tsyfrovoho rozvytku ta osoblyvosti rehulyuvannya [Digital transformation of Ukrainian regions: objective need, digital development principles and regulation features]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 14-21. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 17


Irtyshcheva Inna Oleksandrivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of management of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding



Syenkevych Oleksandr Fedorovych


The purpose of the article is to investigate and substantiate the formation of objective need, development principles, and regulation features of digital transformation of Ukrainian regions. The general scientific methods, including generalization and the systematic approach, are used to determine the theoretical foundations and trends of the digital transformation of Ukrainian regions and to summarize the basic principles of the digital transformation. The benefits of digitalization for society and the economy as a whole are proven. The constant consolidation of power and business to implement and improve the quality of digitalization is today an important task, the solution of which will ensure a new level of competitiveness of the economy. The basic principles of digitalization at the global and national levels are explored. The regional level of development of digitalization shows that the Lviv region remains the leader among all. There is a Digital Transformation Program for 2016-2020 in Lviv aimed at achieving world standards of administrative and communal services, openness and accessibility of city authorities, efficiency of managing the city economy, using information technologies in all spheres of city life. In Ukraine, which ranks first in freelancing among European countries, there is an interesting distribution of digital platform workers in regions, most of which are centered in the Central Region. Even without Kyiv, the Central Region leads the share of freelancers together with the Southern Region (20% and 22% respectively). Digital platform workers in the Western region are slightly less represented (14%), and the least - in the East (11%), which is affected by the military conflict. Prospective research is to substantiate further directions and ways of developing the digital economy transformation at the regional level.


digitalization, digital economy, principles, state regulation, digital transformation of regions


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