UDC 336.764.1:352/354:005; JEL R50, H70, O18 Storonyanska, I. Z., & Benovska, L. Ya. (2020). Oriyentatsiya na upravlinnya aktyvamy terytorial'nykh hromad: teoretychni pidkhody [Asset-оriented management of territorial communities: theoretical approaches]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 5-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2020-1-1. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 12
Storonyanska Iryna ZenoviyivnaDoctor of Economics, Professor
Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Head of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: istoron.ird@gmail.com, istoron@i.ua, (032)270-7043
Benovska Liliya YaroslavivnaPh.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: lbenovska11@gmail.com
ResumeWith the implementation of the reform of administrative and financial decentralization in Ukraine, the changes have occurred in managing the development of territorial communities in the direction of providing their self-development. Each territorial community has some resource potential, but the success of the development of community depends not only on the availability of resources, but on the ability to turn them into development assets. Therefore, when talking about the management of the assets of territorial communities, it is advisable to focus on two aspects: the own resource potential of the territorial community and the effective management aimed at transforming this resource into a community asset. The purpose of the article is to compare conceptual approaches to management with a focus on asset-oriented management of territorial community. Methods. The following methods were used for the study of asset-oriented management of the territorial community: historical, abstract and logical, systematic and comparative analysis. Results. The article analyzes the conceptual approaches to management: problem-oriented management, resource-oriented management, value-oriented management, asset-oriented management. Comparisons are made and the opportunities and expediency of their application for management of territorial community are analyzed. The necessity of using asset-oriented management of territorial community in the conditions of administrative and financial decentralization is substantiated. The features of asset-oriented management of the territorial community are characterized. It is stated that the goal of asset-oriented management is to increase the capacity of territorial communities by mobilizing their own resources and transforming them into community development assets. The assets of the territorial community were identified with grouping them into tangible and intangible assets. The technology of management of assets of territorial communities with separation of stages of management, purpose, subjects and objects of management, interconnections is developed.
Keywords:management, territorial community, assets, asset-oriented management, capability
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