UDC [314.7:331.91](477); JEL О15, R23, F22, J38 Bil, M. M. (2020). Rehulyuvannya mihratsiynoyi aktyvnosti naselennya: priorytety dlya Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Regulation of the population migration activity: priorities for the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 62-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2020-1-7. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 14
Bil Maryana MykhaylivnaDoctor of Economics, Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: bmm1983@gmail.com, (098)321-9925, (097)275-3151, (032)270-6445
ResumeThe article reveals the content of the migration activity of the population. Migration activity in the system of migratory terms was proposed to be considered as the ability of the entity (an individual, a household, population of a particular territory) to change the place of residence, which is accompanied by initiative activity (work, study) and changes in human potential according to needs, goals, and views. The key problems of the migration activity of the Carpathian region were identified. They were distributed according to relevance for the population (social insecurity of migrants, distant families, the rapid growth of migration activity of young people in the higher education segment), business (lack of skilled labor, difficulties in hiring young specialists (high expectations for pay, etc.)), societies (additional pressure on the social infrastructure of people arriving in the region, lack of demand for social services (including education), unregulated and asymmetric cross-border space) and power (loss of human potential, dual citizenship, especially the border population, international corridors of illegal migrants, geopolitical speculation with risks for Ukraine's territorial integrity) across the directions of Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia were identified. The priorities of migration regulation in the Carpathian region were offered – providing of complex and constant monitoring of the level of migration activity (potential, real), implementation of special state programs of the first workplace, implementation of special regional programs of stimulation of educational re-emigration, stimulation of improvement of services quality, especially business development and self-employment in border settlements as alternatives to «shuttle» migration, counteracting issuing passports of citizens of other countries to residents of border settlements, compulsory Ukrainian language use in educational institutions.
Keywords:population migration activity, regulation of migration, asymmetry of transboundary migration space, migration system, migration intellectualization, Carpathian region of Ukraine
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