Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.01.084

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.68:332.33(477); JEL R10, Q15, G18
Sunduk, A. M., Shashula, L. O., & Sunduk, T. F. (2020). Kharakterystyky rentnoho rehulyuvannya sfery vykorystannya zemel'nykh resursiv Ukrayiny [Characteristics of the rent regulation of the use of land resources of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 84-91. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11


Sunduk Anatoliy Mykolayovych

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Head of the Department of economics of land and forest resources of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of NAS of Ukraine



Shashula Liudmyla Oleksiyivna

Sunduk Tetyana Fedorivna

Assistant of the Department of banking of the Faculty of Finance and Banking of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics




The article deals with the financial characteristics of the use of land resources. It researches the formation of the mechanism of financial and economic regulation of nature management and economic development of nature-resource potential according to the latest approach, which involves the transition from the consideration of nature use as a “sphere of interests of natural resources” to the wide integration of the industry into the area of market processes. It allows the active use of the potential of systemic effects and the whole range of regulatory instruments to achieve the complex effect of the reproduction of territories in terms of the use of financial and economic methods of nature management. For the analysis, the entire range of financial characteristics (rental indicators) is divided into direct rental indicators and secondary characteristics that enable us to determine the relationship between the rent and the current development indicators. Direct rent indicators can include real rent (both payments for special use of natural resources) and potential one (at the rate of discount). The system of secondary characteristics generates an indicator of financial balance. Research has shown that rent payments as an instrument of regulation play an important role in the system of nature management. However, rental fees are still not an effective economic mechanism that can form a real impact on the functioning of the complex. The significant potential (the vast majority of regions is characterized by the possibility of increasing rent payments) determines the need for a transformation of the general principles of the rent policy realization in the field of land resources, which would be guided by the best European practices. It is necessary to increase the correlation between the rent flows and financial indicators of the industry. It is advisable to develop a methodology and approaches to take into account the relationship between these characteristics.


rent regulation, valuation instruments, real and potential rent, rent profiles


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