UDC 330.341.1; JEL O31, Q10 Zhevatchenko, V. S. (2023). Perspektyvy rozvytku innovatsiynoho potentsialu ahrarnykh pidpryyemstv [Prospects for the development of the innovative potential of agricultural enterprises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 119-125. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2023-1-12 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 10
Authors Zhevatchenko Vitaliy SerhiyovychPostgraduate of the Department of enterprise economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Contacts: vitaliizhevatchenko@gmail.com
ResumeThe article substantiates the feasibility of the introduction of innovative technologies in agricultural production. Scientific and technological progress promotes the introduction of modern systems in the activities of agricultural enterprises to increase their efficiency. The conditions necessary for the development of the innovative potential of business entities are outlined. The advantages that enterprises will receive through the use of digital processes are described. The problems that delay the implementation of innovations are identified: imperfect network coverage, poor mastering of computer programs by employees, lack of a single online platform, and standardization and compatibility of technologies for data exchange. Features of the Marketplace electronic platform are described, where cooperation between agricultural producers and consumers of agricultural products takes place without intermediaries. The expediency of creating a single information space of agribusiness for the purpose of information support for agricultural producers is substantiated. The article emphasizes that agribusiness successfully applies innovative new products, including complex management of equipment, system accounting of fuel, accounting of work performance, and accurate and intelligent farming. It also reveals that the application of Big Data is an important step in the systematic digitization of data, with the help of which agricultural enterprises can accumulate important information on how to conduct manufacturing and sell their products and services on the market. The authors suggest the application of Blockchain technology, which will make it possible to control the origin, quality, and environmental friendliness of agricultural raw materials and food, and will also create a significantly higher level of trust in the agricultural sector. The introduction of innovative technologies in agricultural enterprises will provide an opportunity to increase labor productivity, improve the quality of management, and accelerate the automation of production processes, which in turn will make agribusiness attractive for investment.
Keywords:innovative potential, digitization, modern technologies, Big Data, Blockchain technology
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