Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2023.01.110

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338:005.93-049.5; JEL L23, L50
Sadura, O. B., & Pravdyvets, O. M. (2023). Ekonomichna stabil'nist' ta napryamy zmitsnennya bezpeky pidpryyemstv v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv [Economic stability and ways to strengthen the security of enterprises in the face of modern challenges]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 110-118. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11


Sadura Oksana Borysivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of finance, accounting and analysis of the Educational and scientific institute of entrepreneurship and advanced technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University



Pravdyvets Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Ph.D. (Military sciences)

Associate Professor of the Department of financial and economic security management of the Academic Institute of Security Management of the KROK University




Achieving economic stability is one of the main challenges facing businesses in today’s unstable financial and political environment. The coordinated development and creation of a reliable and promising business climate are among the top priorities for Ukraine’s economy, which would ensure the continued functioning of business entities in the future. The article aims to analyze the economic stability of enterprises in the context of modern challenges, namely during martial law in Ukraine, and outline the main directions for strengthening the security of enterprises. The basic essence of the term “economic stability of an enterprise” is revealed, taking into account the interpretation of this concept in the scientific works of economists. The article analyzes the economic stability of enterprises in the context of modern challenges, namely, during martial law in Ukraine. It emphasizes that in addition to profitability, the economic stability of an enterprise depends on many factors that are formed as a result of financial stability and economic and financial resilience. The full-scale invasion of our country by the Russian aggressor has made adjustments to the economic stability of enterprises. The authors analyze the main problems that prevent businesses from recovering and developing during the war and point out certain conditions to which enterprises are adapting. The positive aspects on the basis of which the economic activity of enterprises is gradually recovering in certain industries are outlined. The results of the analytical report of the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine are analyzed, and the directions for strengthening the security of enterprises in the context of modern challenges are offered.


economic stability of an enterprise, financial stability, economic resilience, financial resilience, profitability, economic security, security strengthening directions


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