UDC 658.5:005.21:339.137.2; JEL L10, L21, M21, D81 Bohdanyuk, I. V., & Mandych, S. M. (2024). Stratehichne upravlinnya bezpekoyu pidpryyemstva v umovakh hlobal'noyi konkurentsiyi [Strategic management of enterprise security in the conditions of global competition]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 113 (3), 149-156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-3-14 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 12
Authors Bohdanyuk Ihor VasylyovychPh.D. of Law, Senior Researcher
Deputy Director for Organizational and Scientific Work and Technology Transfer in Animal Husbandry of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Contacts: bogdanyuk.hniise@gmail.com
Mandych Serhiy MykolayovychResearcher of the Department of economics, management and transfer of innovations in animal husbandry of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Contacts: mandychserhii@proton.me
ResumeThe article examines strategic security management for enterprises in the context of global competition. In today’s world of rapid change and increasing instability, companies face numerous risks that threaten their resilience, efficiency, and competitiveness. These include economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity risks that can negatively impact a company’s operations and limit its ability to adapt to shifting market conditions. In such an environment, strategic security management plays a key role in maintaining competitive advantage and ensuring the long-term growth of the business. However, many companies still lack a properly developed security strategy, making them vulnerable to both external and internal threats. In the course of this research, theoretical and practical approaches to risk management were analyzed, and specific methods were explored to help enterprises better prepare for potential threats. Various methods were applied for this purpose, including SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and risk management tools such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Monte Carlo method. The data obtained indicate that for effective security management, companies should consider both external and internal risk factors and have the ability to adapt swiftly to changes. One important direction is investing in advanced technologies. In addition, emphasis is placed on developing a security-oriented organizational culture, which involves regular staff training and fostering a responsible approach to security issues. Another critical factor for success is the flexibility of management strategies, allowing companies to respond quickly to changing market conditions and emerging threats. This article offers recommendations for improving the effectiveness of management decisions in the security field, particularly regarding regular risk analysis, the development of action plans for emergency situations, and the integration of monitoring and forecasting systems. The implementation of these strategies can help companies maintain competitiveness, reduce dependence on external factors, and ensure long-term stability.
Keywords:strategic management, enterprise security, global competition, risks, resilience, competitiveness, organizational culture, innovative technologies, adaptability
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