Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kushnirchuk-Stavnycha Olesya Mykolayivna

Kushnirchuk-Stavnycha Olesya Mykolayivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Assistant of the Department of theory and practice of tourism of the Faculty of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business of the Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.49:330.342.146]:332.146.2
Kushnirchuk-Stavnycha, O. M. (2012). Tendentsiyi, ryzyky ta naslidky trudovoyi mihratsiyi naselennya v rehional'nomu vymiri [Tendencies, Risks and Consequences of Labor Migration in Regional Scale]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 208-213. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The main features of regional migration are reviewed. The tendencies, factors, consequences and risks of migration in regional scale are outlined. The forecast of migration`s balance up to 2014 year is done 
labor migration, process of migration, regional risks of migration, migration forecast, consequences of migration, factors of migration 

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