Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kushniretska Oksana Vasylivna

Kushniretska Oksana Vasylivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Sector of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Demydyuk Oksana Mykhaylivna

Mel'nyk Maryana Ivanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.424:[332.122:911.375], JEL R12, R13, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Kushniretska, O. V. (2016). Prostorovyy rozvytok industrial'nykh parkiv u konteksti metropolizatsiyi [Industrial parks’ spatial development in terms of metropolisation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 54-61. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Under the conditions of today’s global economic integration and institutional transformation the processes of metropolisation are the most important processes of spatial development. Formation and development of metropolises as powerful poles of economic growth, the spread of their influence on the socio-economic development of the surrounding areas, as well as their inclusion into the network of supranational social, financial, and institutional linkages are essential prerequisites to building reasonable and effective mechanisms for spatial policy of regions’ development. It is argued that synergy interaction and concentration of social development potentials (financial, economic, innovative, informational, educational, cultural) in the metropolitan cities provides connectivity of regions with global communications and processes through the transfer of metropolises development impetus arising from international communicational, organizational and informational links onto the surrounding area and the transformation of its economic structure. Development of powerful metropolitan cities is a development catalyst of the advanced forms of business spatial organization and organization of business activities, such as network structure, innovative clusters, technology parks, industrial parks, business incubators, online businesses, holding companies, multinationals and so on. It is argued that the development of business spatial organization and selection of its best forms is one of the main factors of regional economy competitiveness, as it helps the localization of business activity, the formation of «points of growth», the development of interregional and intraregional cooperation and the activation of local entrepreneurship.Рубрика: Регіональна політика і територіальний розвиток 
metropolisation, form of spatial organization of business activity, region, development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332:711.432:351.85 (477.83)
Kushniretska, O. V. (2014). Metropoliyna funktsiya u sferi kul'tury: pidkhody do doslidzhennya ta analizu [Metropolitan function in culture: approaches to research and analysis]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 98-108. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

Metropolisation processes, characterized by a concentration of financial, economic, cultural, managerial capacity in large metropolitan cities is determined by the implementation of metropolitan functions. Increasing functional significance and weight of cities - metropolis require development of an integrated theoretical and methodological framework for identifying and assessing metropolitan processes in the relevant functional space in order to apply recommendations for their further development. The essential understanding of metropolitan function in culture is to understand it as an activity to ensure formation of expanded reproduction and cultural resources that form the reference sample of social experience in culture and have an impact on the surrounding metropolitan area and regions globally. In particular cultural metropolitan function on subject-object level is determined by the spiritual, historical, cultural connections in the city, as well as the weight of the cultural sector in the development of spatial forms of social organization of higher hierarchical order. The methodological basis of research metropolitan function in the cultural sphere should compose the subject-approach, which involves analysis of metropolitan function in terms of indicators of concentration function (the analysis of the number and density of localization of cultural institutions should be taken into account), indicators of activity (sales functions, including coverage and availability of appropriate services to consumers), as well as special implementation of quality indicators metropolitan functions that enable the study of conditional radius of influence of metropolitan functions on the surrounding area and globally.

The highest values of integral index of implementation metropolitan cultural features of the city is provided by a number of competitive advantages held by the city in an appropriate functional space. In particular, the space of the metropolitan as the historical center the governmental processes and cultures at the crossroads of peoples, characterized by dense spiritual, historical and cultural ties that specifies the concentration in it many religious sites, cultural institutions (Opera House, theaters, galleries , world class museums) and holding important public events and actions (congresses, festivals, etc.).

The rich historical heritage and significant achievements of our time, of course, cause metropolitan status of the city of Lviv in the cultural sphere. Due to the operation in the various cultural institutions as well as supporting and promotion of national festival, literary, artistic traditions of Lviv «capital» brands are being fixed now. In Lviv, the processes of active selfidentification and global recognition are developed.

The city is both convenient for life of local residences and attractive for creative people from other regions of the country and from abroad. In terms of socio-political and economic situation of the country, the primary objective should be to use existing strengths and capabilities to supply its own development and translation of standard samples of metropolitan social experience in the field of culture in the system of new social and economic realities of the post-era of Ukraine and the world. 

metropolisation, metropolitan function, culture, city space. 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 316.752.4:[332.122:911.375]
Kushniretska, O. V. (2014). Konfliktohennist' mis'koho prostoru: pidkhody do doslidzhennya v umovakh metropolizatsiyi [Conflict potential of urban space: approaches to research in terms of metropolization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 48-56. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

Modern civilization development demonstrates the inevitability of an emergence of economic, social, environmental, communicative, psychological and moral conflicts, which are particularly significant in terms of metropolization and rising of subject-object social interactions in urban space. In this regard, the study of conflict in urban space, especially in its correlation with contemporary processes of globalization and metropolization and knowledge of the causes and nature of conflict is particularly relevant. The processes of urbanization and globalization as the major civilizational processes of modernity, manifested in the transformation of the city’s vision for the social sciences. Dynamic processes of transformation of urban spaces and processes metropolization show that the city is not only the localization of potential opportunities for human development and society, but also the epicenter of conflict trends, which causes constructive or destructive socio-economic change processes and phenomena.

The city at present is not so much a form of settlement or the organization of production as a form of social community, the essential feature of which is the integration of the different ways of life into a single system that develops, has its own laws and mechanisms to maintain order and stability.

The socio - spatial approach to the interpretation of urbanization leads to consider it as a complex sociocultural process intensification of social interactions in urban space. Manifestations of conflicts degree of conflict of the urban environment are dependent on the rank of cities in the global urban graduation, namely, that higher levels of the hierarchy are urban city environment, the denser and subject-object interactions become more frequent, respectively, over likely become more pronounced and conflicts.

Concentration of control and management functions in the model of metropolitan city reveals a potential conflict in the form of distortion of employment, space-class polarization of population, social tension, emotional-mental and informational saturation space. Therefore, the priority areas for further research of conflict in terms of urban space metropolization is the allocation of factors of conflict and developing conflict resolution models that have become the basis of application developments recommendations for planning and forecasting of regional development and urban development, what will be devoted to further research of the author. 

conflict, conflict potential, city, space, metropolization 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Kushniretska, O. V., & Demydiuk, O. M. (2010). Teoretychni pidkhody do vyznachennya suti orhanizatsiyno-ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu upravlinnya sotsial'no-ekonomichnym rozvytkom rehionu [Theoretical Approaches to Determination of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Regional Socio-Economic Development Management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 63-70. [in Ukrainian]. 

Conceptual bases and theoretical approaches to determination of organizational and economic mechanism of management of regional socio-economic development are examined; essence and interpretation of such categorial constituents of organizational and economic mechanism of management of regional socio-economic development as management mechanism, management levers and aims of regional development are analyzed. System and functional approaches to determination of maintenance of organizational-economic mechanism of management of regional socio-economic development are examined; description and classification of aims of regional socio-economic development are outlined; classification of aims of socio-economic development is conducted. 
region, management, mechanism, organizational-economic mechanism, aims of regional development 

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