Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Pominchuk Svitlana Heorhiyivna

Pominchuk Svitlana Heorhiyivna

Postgraduate of the Institute of Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.522-053.67; JEL J13, J24, R23
Pominchuk, S. H. (2017). Udoskonalennya napryamiv proforiyentatsiynoyi roboty z moloddyu v rehionakh [Improvement of professional orientation work with youth in the regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 85(3), 65-69. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

In the regional aspect, the main function of the labor market is the redistribution of labor between regions, types of economic activity, production spheres and providing the job places for economically active population of the region. The unevenness of the development of regional labor markets depends to a large extent on the deployment of productive forces, due to the availability of natural resources, historical development and local traditions, and reflects the economic specialization of the regions of the country. The differentiation of regional labor markets is stipulated by the uneven social and economic development of regions, in particular, the volumes of available resource potential and the effectiveness of its use, which leads to different opportunities for adjusting labor supply and demand and regional disproportions by unemployment rates.
Socio-economic transformations in Ukraine encourage the state employment service to carry out innovative reforms in the field of providing skilled personnel with a perspective labor market, which is currently being formed under conditions of decentralization. The positioning of the student youth as a personnel perspective for the labor market, the formation of a young specialist, the development and formation of his professional intentions is carried out in the conditions of administrative and territorial reform and the activity of educational districts, which requires changing the methodology of professional orientation of students in the State Employment Service.
The purpose of this article is to improve the methodology of professional orientation of student youth in the state employment service in the conditions of administrative – territorial reform.
Using the primary methods of research, collecting information on the problem of research and studying published sources, the socio-economic development of the regions is analyzed, the process of decentralization of power is characterized and problem issues regarding the formation of the personnel potential of regional labor markets are identified.
In the course of the study it was revealed that in the conditions of administrative – territorial and educational reforms in Ukraine, the method of professional orientation in the state employment service is understudied, the tools for conducting professional orientation in educational districts under decentralization conditions were not updated. The processes of administrative and territorial reform initiate the regionalization of the system of professional orientation in the state employment service.
The component of the updated methodology of professional orientation of student youth in the State Employment Service is: information on the state and prospects of development of individual regions and united territorial communities, information on capital investments by types of economic activity in the regions, development of perspective industries in the regions. This will significantly increase the knowledge of children about the world of professions and professions in a particular region. 
region, labor market, professional orientation, students' youth 

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