Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Smikh Kristina Eduardivna

Smikh Kristina Eduardivna

Postgraduate of the Department of finance of the Lviv Polytechnic National University



Kolisnyk Mariya Kostyantynivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Kolisnyk, M. K., & Smikh, K. E. (2008). Stan pidpryyemstv mashynobuduvannya v Ukrayini i mozhlyvi shlyakhy vykhodu z kryzy za dopomohoyu stratehiyi intehratsiyi [Condition of Machine-Building Enterprises in Ukraine and Possible Ways Out of Crisis by Strategy of Integration]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 163-173. [in Ukrainian]. 

Condition of enterprises in machine-building branch in 2004-2007, in particular amount of marketed industrial products, import and export of this products, financial results from usual activity before taxation of machine-building enterprises has been studied. Advantages and stages of the integration strategy for getting out of crisis of analyzed enterprises have been described. A list of machine building enterprises of the western areas of the Ukraine, which can be included into integrated association, has been offered. 
machine-building, condition of enterprises, crisis, strategy, strategy of integration, integration association 

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