Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Teslya Dmytro Vadymovych

Teslya Dmytro Vadymovych

аспірант (2013-2017) відділу регіональної економічної політики ДУ «Інститут регіональних досліджень ім. М. І. Долішнього НАН України»; викладач (до 12.2018) Львівського державного коледжу харчової і переробної промисловості Національного університету харчових технологій

Contacts: teslyad@i.uа



Shul'ts Svitlana Leonidivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.439.4:338.33]:332.1, JEL L66
Teslya, D. V. (2016). Struktura ta potentsial rozvytku rynku produktiv kharchovoyi promyslovosti rehionu [Structure and potential of development of manufactured food market in the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 107-112. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

Under current terms, when structural reconstruction of economy takes place in the regions of Ukraine, their activity orientation at comprehensive and complete meeting of residents’ needs for consumer goods is getting momentum. Therefore, the problems of efficient functioning of food industry gain more importance as well as defining of its strategic development priorities and making efficient decisions on the development regulation. As far as the sphere of food maintenance of the country’s population has always been of dynamic nature and gained special attention of society in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its functioning, the regular monitoring of basic activity parameters of food industry and solution of existing problems become the objective precondition of maintenance of its highly efficient functioning.
The article aims to examine the structure and potential of development of food products market in Lvivska oblast in terms of European integration processes and to detect major functioning problems, which hamper sustainable economic growth in the branch.
The current condition of development of food industry market in the region is researched. The dynamics of structural changes in food industry of Lvivska oblast is analyzed. The general criteria indicator of food industry regional development is defined. The structure and potential of development of food industry market in Lvivska oblast in terms of European integration are outlined. Contribution of food industry to the general industrial indicators in Lvivska oblast during 2010-2015 is explained. The share of Lvivska oblast in manufacturing of certain types of food industry production in Ukraine is defined. Major functioning problems that hamper economic growth of food industry market are outlined. Priority directions of food industry market development are suggested. 
food industry products, region, regional market, market structure, market potential 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1
Teslya, D. V., & Shults, S. L. (2014). Rynkovyy potentsial rehionu: sutnist' i yoho skladovi [The market potential of the region: essence and its components]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 27-37. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 22

The article reveals the essence of the existing methodological approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «market potential», defined by its structural elements. Determined the structure of the market potential», analyzed the domestic market, and indicated methodological basis for the definition of this formalization. This article shows the pioneers of this conception, and analyzes current trends define this conception. In this work consolidated methodological approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «market potential in the region, «as scientists, and foreign, analyzed historical trends in the interpretation of this concept. The essence of the approach to the determination of this question is important because the formation of market potential due to low domestic economy topical issues, and closes on itself solve many problems because the essence of the concept study of market potential is urgent scientific problems and unresolved issues lead to greater dependence national economy on the world market conjuncture.

The attention is focused on the evolutionary aspects of spatial economics and theoretical concepts, using this definition. On the basis of summarizing the theoretical foundations of modern economics and justification of the research plane spatial economy reveals the fundamental provisions of the economic theories that underlie research market potential areas and features of the functioning of local markets. The authors emphasize the scientists proposed calculation algorithm evaluating the market potential and the factors that influence its formation.

The author gives the definition of «market potential in the region, «which is based on consideration of its industrial and consumer market opportunities and infrastructural features ensure its functioning.

Outlines promising areas of scientific research market space regions, in particular the problems of domestic regional markets, factors in the formation and use of market potential regions of Ukraine and the methods of its evaluation as a strategy of any entity considers its competitive position in the market for goods and services and specific consumer behavior of their customers. 

market potential of the region, domestic market, demand, supply, consumption potential, production potential 

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