Bondarchuk (Kolisnyk) Mariya KostyantynivnaDoctor of Economics, Professor
Professor of the Department of finance of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Smikh Kristina Eduardivna
Ul'yanova Anna Mykhaylivna
Kolisnyk, M. K., & Ulyanova, A. M. (2009). Otsinyuvannya synerhichnykh efektiv yak element kontseptsiyi upravlinnya konkurentospromozhnistyu vyrobnycho-hospodars'kykh struktur [Evaluation of Synergic Effects as the Element of Competitiveness Management Conception of Production-Economic Structures]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian].
Kolisnyk, M. K., & Smikh, K. E. (2008). Stan pidpryyemstv mashynobuduvannya v Ukrayini i mozhlyvi shlyakhy vykhodu z kryzy za dopomohoyu stratehiyi intehratsiyi [Condition of Machine-Building Enterprises in Ukraine and Possible Ways Out of Crisis by Strategy of Integration]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 163-173. [in Ukrainian].
Bondarchuk, M. K., &Volyanyk, H. M. (2013). Finansovyy oblik yak informatsiyne dzherelo dlya vyznachennya rivnya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky pidpryyemstva [Financial accounting as informative source for determination of enterprise economic security level]. In Naukovyy visnyk L’vivs’koho derzhavnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav. Seriya: Ekonomichna [Scientific Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Series: Economic]: Vol. 2 (pp. 207-216). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.03.131.003}
Bondarchuk, M. K. (2023). Mekhanizm monitorynhu funktsionuvannya biznes-struktury [Mechanism for monitoring the functioning of a business structure]. Mizhnarodnyy naukovyy zhurnal «Internauka». Seriya: «Ekonomichni nauky» – International scientific journal Internauka. Series: Economic Sciences, 11. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.100.006}
Bondarchuk, M. K. (2023). Informatsiyne zabezpechennya monitorynhu biznes-struktur [Information support for monitoring business structures]. Mizhnarodnyy naukovyy zhurnal «Internauka». Seriya: «Ekonomichni nauky» – International scientific journal Internauka. Series: Economic Sciences, 10. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.100.007}
Bondarchuk, M. K. (2016). Orhanizatsiyne proektuvannya sanatsiynykh innovatsiy u riznykh ob"yednannyakh pidpryyemnyts'koho biznesu [Organizational design of rehabilitation innovations in various business associations]. In Upravlinnya innovatsiynoyu, investytsiynoyu ta ekonomichnoyu diyal'nistyu intehrovanykh ob"yednan' ta pidpryyemstv [Management of innovation, investment and economic activities of integrated associations and enterprises]. Dnipropetrovsk: Porohy, 2016. P. 290-301. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.100.008}
Bondarchuk, M. K., Paranchuk, S. V., Chervinska, O. S., & Vyshnytskyy, N. (2021). Potreba systemy rann'oho poperedzhennya i reahuvannya v antykryzovomu upravlinni biznes-struktur [The need for an early warning and response system in anti-crisis management of business structures]. In Scientific research of the XXI century: Vol. 1. Los Angeles: GS Publishing Service. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.100.009}
Bondarchuk, M. K. (2023). Mekhanizm monitorynhu funktsionuvannya biznes-struktury [Mechanism for monitoring the functioning of a business structure]. Mizhnarodnyy naukovyy zhurnal «Internauka». Seriya: «Ekonomichni nauky» – International scientific journal Internauka. Series: Economic Sciences, 11. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.113.002}
Bondarchuk, M. K. (2023). Informatsiyne zabezpechennya monitorynhu biznes-struktur [Information support for monitoring business structures]. Mizhnarodnyy naukovyy zhurnal «Internauka». Seriya: «Ekonomichni nauky» – International scientific journal Internauka. Series: Economic Sciences, 10. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.113.003}
Bondarchuk, M. K. (2016). Orhanizatsiyne proektuvannya sanatsiynykh innovatsiy u riznykh ob"yednannyakh pidpryyemnyts'koho biznesu [Organizational design of rehabilitation innovations in various business associations]. In Upravlinnya innovatsiynoyu, investytsiynoyu ta ekonomichnoyu diyal'nistyu intehrovanykh ob"yednan' ta pidpryyemstv [Management of innovation, investment and economic activities of integrated associations and enterprises]. Dnipropetrovsk: Porohy, 2016. P. 290-301. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.113.004}
Bondarchuk, M. K., Paranchuk, S. V., Chervinska, O. S., & Vyshnytskyy, N. (2021). Potreba systemy rann'oho poperedzhennya i reahuvannya v antykryzovomu upravlinni biznes-struktur [The need for an early warning and response system in anti-crisis management of business structures]. In Scientific research of the XXI century: Vol. 1. Los Angeles: GS Publishing Service. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.113.005}