Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Halachenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Halachenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Doctor of Economics

Professor of the Department of economics, entrepreneurship and management of the Vinnytsia Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management




Danylo Yaroslav Ivanovych

Popadynets' Nazariy Mykolayovych


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 355.018:364.048.6; JEL І15, І18
Halachenko, O. O. (2023). Sotsioekonomichni aspekty efektyvnosti medychnoyi reabilitatsiyi uchasnykiv boyovykh diy [Socioeconomic aspects of the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of combatants]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 40-57. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 60

The article reveals the essence of medical rehabilitation of combatants as an important aspect of military medicine aimed at restoring or improving the physical, psychological, and social functioning of defenders with various types of combat trauma. The author emphasizes the growing number of disabled combatants in Ukraine, which has serious consequences for the healthcare system in the form of increased demand for medical services and budget constraints. The author analyzes various types of rehabilitation strategies (early start, implementation of modern technologies, individual approach, social and psychological adaptation, etc.) that can increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the recovery process. The article describes the positive socioeconomic impact of medical rehabilitation of combatants, including those with disabilities, which reduces military healthcare costs, speeds up recovery, increases combat capability, promotes reintegration into society, job creation and financial independence of veterans, and provides overall economic benefits. The article shows that investment in rehabilitation services for military personnel not only improves outcomes for individual patients but also contributes to the economic well-being of society as a whole. The socio-economic benefits of different approaches to medical rehabilitation and the appropriate allocation of financial resources are emphasized, which will ensure that combatants have access to timely and appropriate rehabilitation services. In order to increase the socio-economic effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of combatants in Ukraine, the article suggests focusing on reducing the cost of rehabilitation services by introducing effective modern technologies and individualized approaches; expanding access to medical rehabilitation, ensuring its availability and quality in all regions of the country; and creating an effective system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. 
medical rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation of military personnel, social adaptation, combatants, economic efficiency, costs 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.46:330.15; JEL 338.46:330.15
Popadynets, N. M., Halachenko, O. O., & Danylo, Ya. I. (2023). Turystychno-rekreatsiyna diyal'nist': ekoloho-ekonomichni aspekty [Tourist and recreational activities: ecological and economic aspects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 108 (2), 117-124. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

In modern conditions, the issue of tourism and recreation research arises from the need to find a harmonious balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability. Today, tourism is an important part of the global economy, but it is also an activity that has a significant impact on the environment and natural resources. The study of environmental and economic relations in this area is key to the development of sustainable and responsible tourism. This is especially important in the context of climate change, growing environmental awareness among the population, and increasing regulatory measures by governments. The relevance of this topic is conditioned by the constant changes in the tourism sector, which require rethinking and adaptation of economic models and strategies. In particular, innovative technologies, which are becoming increasingly available, can be integrated to monitor the environmental condition of tourist areas and ensure more efficient resource management. The article aims to study the nature of the tourism and recreation sphere of the region and determine its ecological and economic aspects. The article examines the issue of the definition of tourism and recreation activities and points out different approaches to its interpretation, as well as the lack of agreement on its ecological and economic structural elements. The author proposes to consider this field as an activity aimed at satisfying the tourist and recreational needs not only of local residents but also of visitors from other regions and countries, using natural and other resources that are attractive to tourists. The author analyzes and classifies various types of tourism and recreation services, including ecological and economic aspects. The key factors of their attractiveness, which form popular tourist destinations and influence the specifics and opportunities for the development of the tourism and recreation industry, are identified. 
tourism and recreation sphere, economy, tourism and recreation activity, resources, ecology 

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