Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hoblyk Volodymyr Vasylyovych

Hoblyk Volodymyr Vasylyovych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Ph.D. of Philosophy

Senior Researcher of the Sector of problems of transborder cooperation of the Department of development of territorial communities and transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Vice-Rector for Research and Development of the Mukachevo State University




Miklovda Vasyl' Petrovych

Pityulych Mykhaylo Ivanovych

Tymechko Iryna Romanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.5.021:332.021:005.96; JEL J21, O15, R23
Miklovda, V. P., Pityulych, M. I., & Hoblyk, V. V. (2017). Ekonomichna bezpeka rehionu: trudoresursnyy kontekst [Economic security of the region: human resources context]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 10-15. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Elaboration of the system for diagnostics of economic security of the territories at different levels refers to a relatively new and methodically unsolved problem. But its relevance increased significantly for the last time period. This is mainly due to the social, economic and political transformations in the country, in-depth content of which is the commitment of Ukraine to being an equal member of the European community, entry into the world economy, and regionalization of the economy, associated with development of the local government, transition to the market regulation, expansion of the management system’s subjects by the formation of territorial communities and their self-sufficiency increase.
Approaches to risk management at the regional level in the sphere of social and labor relations are substantiated. Special attention is devoted to the study of possible risks in the demographic development, migration processes and employment in Zakarpattia Oblast. The main reasons, generating prerequisites for risks’ occurrence in terms of the forms of their manifestation on local labor markets, are considered. On the basis of the performed analysis, structuring of probable threats and outlining of approaches to the formation of the risk management mechanism are presented.
It is defined that evaluation of risks in the sphere of social and labor relations indicates the spatial relation, which means their consideration as complex object-subject phenomena characterized by local peculiarities and forms of manifestation, and determined by uncertainty, ambiguousness and multi-factor character of those risks. This circumstance contributes to specificity of the mechanism for risk management, which instruments are directed on taking preventive measures by impact on cause-and-effect relations, their appearance, occurrence and blocking. 
security, risks, region, social and labor relations, management mechanism 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.5:339.923:061.1(477)
Hoblyk, V. V., & Tymechko, I. R. (2013). Spetsyfika prykordonnoyi torhivli v transkordonnomu prostori Ukrayiny z YeS [Peculiarities of Bordering Trade in the Cross-Border Space of Ukraine with the EU]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 67(1), 195-200. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Bordering trade and its localization place is defined. The bordering trade entities are classified by their activity. The peculiarities of bordering trade in the cross-border space of Ukraine with the EU are examined, particularly in Ukrainian-Polish, Ukrainian-Slovak and Slovak-Polish regions. The influence of signing and approval of Small bordering movement agreement with adjacent countries - EU members on the development of bordering trade is analyzed. The interest of adjacent countries-EU members in the organization of bordering trade in cross-border space with Ukraine is outlined. 
bordering trade, bordering trade entities, cross-border flow, bordering territory, small bordering movement 


Hoblyk, V. V., & Demyan, Y. Y. (2015). Vplyv instytutsiyno-pravovykh barʺyeriv na efektyvnistʹ zovnishnʹoekonomichnoyi diyalʹnosti v transkordonnykh rehionakh [The impact of legal-institutional barriers to the efficiency of foreign economic activity in cross-border regions]. Ekonomichnyy forum – Economic Forum, 3, 123-128. [in Ukrainian]. {re2016.04.108.004}

Pityulych, M. I. (Ed.), Hoblyk, V. V., Shcherban, T. D., & et al. (2012). Rehulyuvannya trudomihratsiynykh protsesiv u transkordonnomu rehioni [Regulation of labor migration processes in the transboundary region]. Mukachevo: Mukachevo State University Press [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.02.010.010}

Hoblyk, V. V. (2015). Rehionalna polityka Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu v konteksti rozvytku transkordonnykh rehioniv [Regional policy of the European Union in the context of the development of transboundary regions]. Ahrosvit – AgroSvit, 3-4, 21-25 [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.044.010}

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