Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kondra Olha Romanivna

Kondra Olha Romanivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Head of the Department of economics and entrepreneurship of the Precarpathian Mykhailo Hrushevsky Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.145:311.213.3:65.012.8
Kondra, O. R. (2014). Otsinyuvannya stanu prodovol'choyi bezpeky rehionu [Assessment of food security in the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 78-86. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The issue of food security is very important in the concepts of national security of all advanced countries. Against a backdrop of regional food markets food security in the region is of particular importance. The goal of investigation is to assess the status of food security Lviv region by analyzing the values and dynamics of main indicators, and providing recommendations to enhance food security at the regional level. Assessment of food security in the region is based on such indicators as : indicator of the adequacy of food consumption, an indicator of economic affordability of products, the level of self-sufficiency, the domestic market of certain products, food independence for the individual products. The investigation is showed that in the Lviv region there is a low level of consumption of animal products in the diet of the population. The main of the calories consumed with Ukrainian products of plant origin. The population of Lviv region, approximately 60% (threshold) being spent on food. However, self-sufficient in food businesses Lviv is quite high. Also in 2012 there was an increase in capacity of the domestic market for most food groups in comparison with 2007. Dependence on imports is very high in certain food groups. To increase the food security of the Lviv region should: implement organizational and economic changes in the production and sale of agricultural products, introduce regulations for trade margins of wholesale, retail sale of products in terms of basic necessities, combine small collective farms into large volume ‘unity within districts, provide the minimum guaranteed purchase prices that producers provide high profitability and its expansion, improve environmental performance and product quality, attract leading experts to participate in the improvement of the legal framework and the development of new legislation on the development of the industry, implement the transition to the use of European instruments of state aid to agricultural assistance to implement the European experience of agricultural policy in the practice of Ukraine and regions, etc. In view of results of the conducted investigation, proposed measures will ultimately create the right conditions for people of high quality crop and livestock products, ensure food security and proper conditions for a decent life and raising real incomes of Lviv region. 

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