Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kondrat Iryna Yuriyivna

Kondrat Iryna Yuriyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of finance of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Lyvdar Marta Vasylivna

Yaroshevych Natalya Bohuslavivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.5.02:656.13; JEL H53, R48, R51
Yaroshevych, N. B., Kondrat, I. Yu., & Lyvdar, M. V. (2018). Metodychni pidkhody do rozrakhunku adresnoyi hroshovoyi kompensatsiyi na osnovi vstanovlennya norm transportnoyi rukhomosti pil'hovykh katehoriy naselennya [Methodological approaches to calculation of targeted monetary compensation on the basis of establishment of the transportation norms for citizens of privileged categories]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 87 (1), 69-75. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

Theoretical and practical recommendations over maintenance of passenger traffic socio-economic efficiency by means of transport privileges monetization are substantiated; the analysis of the active mechanism of compensation calculation and payment to transportation companies for transportation of passengers of preferential categories is conducted; the fact that the quantity of persons, which have a right to preferential transportation as well as preferential categories’ mobility is significantly different depending on region is revealed; the necessity to establish regional norms on preferential transportation services’ consumption is grounded; the methodics of regional norms establishment on preferential transportation services’ consumption is proposed, and it should become the basis for the calculation of monthly targeted compensation to individual categories of persons for their preferential transportation by municipal and commuter public transport, as well as of the local budgets expenditures for this purpose. The current state and modern development trends of the transportation by municipal and commuter public transport are established. The main problems of municipal and commuter public transport are determined. The analysis of methodics for determination of volumes for the preferential transportation services consumption and volumes for the preferential transportation services consumption in Ukraine is conducted. The proposed methodics for determination and establishment of regional norms for the preferential transportation services consumption is based on the benefit recipients’ mobility coefficient, which is calculated on the basis of data on real values defined by experts method on the basis of examination of passenger flow and coefficients of preferential and paying passengers ratios, approved by the local authorities to determine the amount of compensation to transportation companies for transportation of citizens of privileged categories. 
municipal and commuter transport, transport privilege’ monetization, norms of preferential transportation services’ consumption 

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