Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Povstyn Oksana Viktorivna

Povstyn Oksana Viktorivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Head of the Department of law and management in the field of civil protection of the Lviv State University of Life Safety



Shevchuk Lyubov Teodorivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Shevchuk, L. T., & Povstyn, O. V. (2010). Otsinka sotsial'no-ekonomichnykh naslidkiv transformatsiyi ukrayins'koyi simyi [Estimation of Socio-Economic Consequences of Ukrainian Family Transformation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 156-164. [in Ukrainian]. 

Analytical estimation of socio-economic consequences of Ukrainian family transformations, which emerged foremost as the activation of such public phenomenon as acculturation, is carried out. Influence of acculturation on dynamics of marriage and divorce indices, natural reproduction of population, family composition and amount of family members is outlined. The necessity of realization of the range of measures directed at strengthening of bases of Ukrainian family is substantiated. 
Ukrainian family, transformation, socio-economic consequences, acculturation 

Веб-майстер П. Попадюк