Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Stadnytskyy Yuriy Ivanovych

Stadnytskyy Yuriy Ivanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Leading Researcher of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Bashyns'ka (Zaval'ona) Yuliya Ivanivna

Stadnyts'ka Yuliya Yuriyivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.351.656; JEL F18, F40, Z32
Stadnytskyy, Yu. I., & Bashynska, Yu. I. (2023). Chynnyky mizhnarodnoyi torhivli turystychnymy posluhamy: teoretychni aspekty [Factors of international trade in tourist services: theoretical aspects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 126-135. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 32

The article substantiates the determining influence of four basic factors of international trade: natural and geographical differences between states; differences in production costs in different countries; the effect of the country's specialization in the production of the good with a greater relative advantage; the effect of the scale of production, and the corresponding theories. All other "reasons for international trade" discussed in numerous publications are at best only modified basic ones. Likewise, these theories can be applied to the analysis and forecasting of international trade in services, particularly in the field of tourism, which is relevant for the post-pandemic development of the countries of the world. Unlike international trade in goods, which recovered in 2021-2022 thanks to strong consumer demand for products, especially in advanced economies, supported by government fiscal stimulus measures, trade in services is recovering at a slower pace. Instead, the uneven distribution of vaccines, the emergence of new COVID-19 stamps and non-tariff restrictions continued to hamper the recovery of tourism and passenger transport in the service sector. Thus, trade in commercial services grew by 16% in 2021, which is 5% below the pre-pandemic level. Accordingly, the problems of the study of international trade in services, in particular tourist services, require thorough research. The existence of four reasons determines the possibility of 15 variants of types of international trade for an individual country or between any two countries. None of the four reasons for international trade is sufficient for its emergence, since only the reduction of the "resistance of distance" in the conditions of the existence of at least one reason for international trade activates its potential. Since the international trade in services needs the basis of scientifically determined approaches to its development between countries and regions in the cross-border dimension, this article presents the main scientific aspects of the theories of international trade and makes proposals for their practical implementation in solving the problems of international trade in tourist services. 
international trade, factors of international trade, tourism services, theories of international trade, distance resistance 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 352.338.486:379.8; JEL L83, J13
Stadnytskyy, Yu. I., & Bashynska, Yu. I. (2022). Systemnyy pidkhid do obgruntuvannya optymal'noho rozmishchennya vyrobnytstva blaha [A systematic approach to substantiating the optimal location of production of goods]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 104 (2), 5-16. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The article proves that an isolated, non-systemic approach to the analysis of potential sales markets when justifying production placement may not give the right result, since the spot will not be guaranteed to be the best for placement, because even in simple situations there are many other options for targeting sales markets when justifying placement production. It determines that with a systemic approach, variants of combinations of locally optimal production sites, the total production capacity of which is equal to the general (systemic) demand, will be compared. For each attractive place of production, a locally optimal place of production is determined from the list of existing attractive places of production. The article emphasizes that locally optimal locations cannot be directly compared with each other, as their choice is determined by orientation on different potential sales markets. With three potential sales markets, there will be 5 options for combinations of locally optimal locations (1 option, which involves placing production in three spots, 1 option involving the placement of production in one spot, 3 options involving the placement of production in two spots), which form competing variants of systemically optimal spots for the placement of production. The application of the proposed systemic approach to the justification of production placement and the corresponding methodology is demonstrated on a conditional example with geographic coordinates. The systemic approach offered in the article for justifying the optimal location of the production of a single good can be adapted to a more complex or compound situation when the optimal location of the production of several goods is justified at the same time (including when one of the goods is used for the production of other goods). The most important advantage of the systemic approach is that it can be used in different branches of industry and agriculture as well. 
location of production, sales markets, region, competition, efficiency, technologies 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research Stadnytskyy, Yu. I. (2020). Na shlyakhu do piznannya natsional'noyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny [On the way to the knowledge of the national economy Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 98 (4), 143-144. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.1:332; JEL R34, R39
Stadnytskyy, Yu. I. (2016). Prostorovyy chynnyk konkurentsiyi tekhnolohiy vyrobnytstva produktsiyi [Spatial factor of production technologies competition]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 130-136. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

In the article possibilities of the use of spatial economy developments are examined in order to improve the choice of the goods production optimal technology. It is well-proven that not only the choice of technology depends on a place but also choice of place depends on technology. The algorithm of choice of production technologies optimal system by the chosen production type within the limits of corresponding analysis space is suggested. Such sequence of choice of the optimal system of production technologies by the chosen type of products is reasonable within the limits of corresponding analysis space: the spatial limits of analysis are outlined; the list of possible production places by the chosen type of products is formed in these limits; for every place the choice of optimal technology is grounded from the biggest number of possible; the chosen technologies will be compared by economic indicators, including the competition of technologies in the distance; places, where technologies lost a competition in the distance, are considered unpromising for the production of the chosen type of products; places, wherever technologies lost a competition in the distance, are considered perspective for the production of the chosen type of products; perspective places are estimated by the criterion of size of market of sale; the places negatively appraised by the criterion of sales market size are not recommended as places of expedient production; the places positively appraised by the criterion of sales market size are recommended as places of expedient production. The conclusion was made that when grounding the choice of the optimal system of production technologies by the chosen type of products within the limits of corresponding analysis space, first the optimal technology for every possible place of production should be chosen, and then it should be estimated if it is worth producing these products in these places. Thus, the choice of effective possible places of production will simultaneously become the choice of effective technologies. This same way guarantees the correct grounding of the optimal technologies branch systems and this is an important contribution of theory of spatial economy into the theory of capital efficiency. Further researches in the field of technologies comparison are perspective by direction of analysis of place (parts of space) as irreplaceable technology component. 
spatial organization of economy, spatial economy, technology, allocation of enterprises, competition of places, competition of technologies 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.132
Stadnytskyy, Y. I. (2014). Stan dovkillya yak chynnyk rozmishchennya hospodars'koyi diyal'nosti [State of environment as factor of placing of economic activity]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 142-148. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

In the article the chart of forming of properties of side is worked out «economic activity», that predetermine expediency of her orientation at placing into places that own corresponding qualities. Dividing of factors of placing of economic activity offers into internal (to that corresponding properties of side behave «economic activity») and external (corresponding properties of side are a «place»). Reasonably, that the state of environment can come forward in quality of factor of placing for the types of economic activity with high requirements to the cleanness of environment, high-performance formation of contaminations at the production of the mobile blessing, high-performance formation of contaminations in the conditions of compensative strategy ecologically sustainable economic development. It is well-proven that for the types of economic activity with high requirements to the cleanness of environment placed possible placing there are ecologically clean localities. Thus, it will be needed to be able a potential businessman correctly to expect the additional funds of production of goods (charges on loss prevention from influence of muddy environment, expense on indemnification of losses from influence of muddy environment and loss from influence of muddy environment) in case of placing in not ideal, from the point of view of cleanness of environment, place. Reasonably, that for the types of economic activity high-performance formation of contaminations placed of the possible placing is to territory with the liberal requirements of the state and local communities to influence of economic activity on a natural environment. Thus, it will be needed clearly to count additional charges a potential investor on prevention of contamination of environment (charges on prevention of formation of contaminations and expense on prevention of contamination of environment by already well-educated contaminations) in case of placing in not ideal, from the point of view of freedom of contamination of environment, place. It is well-proven that for the types of economic activity high-performance contamination of environment placed possible placing there are localities with possibility of cheap prevention of contamination of environment(on new and already existent there sources) within the framework of compensative strategy. Thus, it will be needed clearly to count charges a potential investor on realization of events in relation to prevention of contamination of environment(on new and already existent in a region sources) and to form the optimal(the cheapest) program of indemnification of the contamination predefined by the new placing or expansion existing. Reasonably, that from the point of view of power and communities of various territorial units most attractive will be a situation of orientation on the types of economic activity with high requirements to the cleanness of environment with the simultaneous controlling of their negative influence on quality of environment. Such approach, though creates the risk of worsening of ecological situation, but assists to economic development. Further scientific researches offer to carry out in direction forming of informative packages of data in a regional cut for the types of economic activity, where contamination of environment is the factor of placing, and also in direction of development of mechanisms ecologically sustainable economic development in a region. 
factor of placing, contamination of environment, economic activity, mobile goods, sustainable development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.15
Stadnytskyi, Y. I., & Stadnytska, Y. Y. (2012). Klasyfikatsiya ekonomichnykh blah za chynnykamy mistsya vyrobnytstva [Classification of economic goods by the factors of place of production]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 64(2), 168-176. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Classification of economic goods by the place of their production is offered. Existence of four groups and the range of sub-groups of economic goods is proved, where one «Siamese» pair of placement factors prevails. Principles of classification of economic goods, where a few «Siamese» pairs of placing factors prevail are worked out. The carried out classification of economic goods by the factors of place of their production allows improvement of quality and acceleration of decision making in relation to the choice of optimal places of production. 
classification of goods, factors of production placing, place of production 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.45:338.43(477)
Stadnytsky, Yu. I. (2008). Formuvannya biopalyvnoyi haluzi v Ukrayini: perspektyvy, problemy, shlyakhy optymizatsiyi [Forming of Biopropellant Industry in Ukraine: Perspectives, Problems, Ways of Optimization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 211-219. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The change of situation in the world market of fuels creates good perspectives for development in Ukraine of agriculture and production of biopropellants both for internal and external markets in Ukraine. It is expedient to carry out development of biotdiesel industry of Ukraine in the regions, where the proper raw material is reared in considerable volumes. For the choice of optimum place and expedient power of enterprises the model of a production-transport task can be used. 
production of biopropellants, alocation of enterprises according to the production a biotdiesel, market of biopropellants 


Zhuk, P. V., Kiptach, F. Ya., Kolodiychuk, I. A., Stadnytskyy, Yu. I., Kulish, I. M., Bashynska, Yu. I., & Hryhorenko, O. V. (2023). Konkurentospromozhnist’ turystychno-rekreatsiinoyi sfery rehioniv Ukrayiny [Competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of Ukrainian regions]: Scientific-analytical report. Lviv: SI «Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine». Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.03.093.010}

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