Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Yaremchuk Roman Yevhenovych

Yaremchuk Roman Yevhenovych

Junior Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Leshchukh Iryna Volodymyrivna

Mel'nyk Maryana Ivanivna

Shchehlyuk Svitlana Dmytrivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.711:656.1/.2; JEL O18, R14, R42, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2024). Analiz problem transportnoyi mobil'nosti ahlomeratsiy (na prykladi L'vivs'koyi ahlomeratsiyi) [Analysis of the transport mobility problems of agglomerations (on the example of Lviv agglomeration)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 52-62. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Formation of an integrated mobility system as the main prerequisite for maintaining and developing transport links, as well as establishing its effective functioning in the Lviv agglomeration is one of the main priorities for stimulating its development is proved. The problematic aspects of the functioning and development of the main components of the current system of mobility of territorial communities of the Lviv agglomeration are highlighted, and a list of specialized tools and measures that can contribute to solving these problematic aspects in the context of these components is proposed. The potential risks and benefits for individual structural components of the agglomeration mobility system in the application of the proposed tools and implementation of the proposed measures are outlined. The specifics of the implemented practical steps towards solving the identified problems for each of its components are revealed, and their impact on the development of the existing mobility system of the Lviv agglomeration is analyzed. It is established that it is especially important on the way to rational planning of the agglomeration’s mobility system to use the methodology of transport planning, systematic studies of the mobile behavior of residents and monitoring of actual traffic parameters, which should become the basis for effective forecasting of the mobile behavior of residents of the agglomeration’s settlements and reliable analysis of the impact of investment projects and organizational and managerial decisions in the field of mobility. At the initial stage of the formation of an integrated mobility system in the Lviv agglomeration, it is appropriate to develop a plan for its sustainable mobility. This plan will allow for a more informed approach to the development of a general strategy for the development of the agglomeration’s mobility system and individual strategies for the development of the main components of this system. 
integrated mobility system, agglomeration, transport planning, suburban bus transportation, suburban rail transportation, bicycle infrastructure, intercept parking 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021:351.82; JEL E24, E61, F63, O18, R13, R58
Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2021). Efektyvnist' realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky v konteksti problematyky terytorial'nykh dysproportsiy [The effectiveness of the state regional policy implementation in the context of territorial disparities]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 61-71. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

Excessive interregional disparities in the functioning of the socio-economic system in the country substantially affect the dynamics of its socio-economic development, significantly slowing it down, as well as creating obstacles to its efficient and timely structural transformation. The analysis of territorial differentiations of socio-economic development in Ukraine’s regions according to the selected indicators in 2014-2020 shows that despite the general growth of the socio-economic development level in the regions, the asymmetric type of regional development continued to dominate. Excessively high levels of GRP differentiation per capita, capital and foreign direct investment per capita, combined with a slight differentiation of disposable income and local budget revenues (excluding transfers) per capita, showed a significant gap between the efficiency of regional economic systems and quality of inhabitants’ life in the regions. To assess the efficiency of the strategic goals and priorities implementation of the 2020 Regional Development Strategy of Ukraine, an assessment of annual indicators related to the regulation of interregional differentiation is conducted. The negative impact of complex socio-political and financial-economic circumstances, as well as insufficient efficiency of state regional policy instruments, did not allow to achieve the projected rates of most indicators within the priorities of the 2020 Regional Development Strategy of Ukraine related to the regulation of interregional differentiation. The systemic nature of the interregional disparities in Ukraine causes the low efficiency of numerous attempts to solve these problems with the help of separate tools of regional policy. The main focus and resources in the strategic objectives implementation in regional development related to the reduction of interregional disparities should be focused on creating favorable conditions for the most efficient use of regional socio-economic capacity based on the strengths of each region and specialized innovative solutions. 
interregional disparities, socio-economic development, territorial differentiation, state regional policy, instruments of regional policy 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [339.923:061.1]:332.146.2; JEL О31, R19, R58
Melnyk, M. I., Shchehlyuk, S. D., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2020). Rehional'na polityka YeS v konteksti smart-spetsializatsiyi: efektyvnist' finansuvannya priorytetnykh napryamiv [EU regional policy in the context of smart-specialization: efficiency of priority directions’ funding]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 172-183. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The paper provides the evaluation of the efficiency of financing the regional policy promotion activities from the EU structural funds and efficiency of funding of national and regional smart specialization strategies’ priorities in 2014-2020. It determines 6 key smart specialization domains among 216 RIS3 of national and regional (NUTS 2) levels: agriculture, food, and biotechnologies; green technologies, energy; transport, mobility, logistics; ICT; life sciences, biotechnologies, pharmacy, biotechnologies; material sciences and intellectual production. Four hypotheses on the close relationship between the investment volumes, directions, and results of their use are empirically verified. The results of the applied correlation analysis show the close relationship between the volumes of funding of the smart-specialization activities and the paces of agricultural output per capita with three clusters of countries by the distribution of funding by the strategic priorities. Regarding the other smart specialization priorities – “environmental technologies, energy efficiency” and “transport, mobility, logistics”, the dependence between the funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds and reducing CO2 emissions from new vehicles is proven. Support of strategic priorities “material science” and “smart production” by European Structural and Investment Funds in 2014-2020 is characterized by growing GRP volumes per capita with clear differences between the developed and average-level EU countries. The reasonability of supporting the implementation of the smart-priority “medicine, pharmacy, healthcare” in most RIS3 of EU countries and the substantial correlation of financial support from EU funds with the paces of state expenses on healthcare increase is substantiated. The conclusions about the efficiency of selected priorities, their high convergence ability, and the capacity to form transnational cooperation are made. 
regional policy, EU, smart-specialization strategy, priorities, efficiency evaluation 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 352:338.23; JEL H61, H72, E62, R58
Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi na zminu pozytsionuvannya mist v ekonomitsi Karpats'koho rehionu [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on changing the positioning of cities in the economy of the Carpathian region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 91 (1), 14-23. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

Socio-economic implications of the voluntary association of territorial communities at the administrative and financial decentralization final stage and the expected reformatting of the administrative and territorial structure of Ukrainian regions create favorable conditions for the growth of cities’ economic power and their role in the development of regions and the country as a whole. It is worth noting that without strong regional centers it is difficult to develop strong regions. The main purpose of the article is to determine the features of the impact of administrative and financial decentralization on changing the cities’ positioning in the Carpathian region’s socio-economic system, as well as to outline the perspective directions of their development in the new administrative-territorial and financial system of Ukrainian regions. In particular, the article outlines the main reasons that cause the low activity of cities in the region during the implementation of administrative and financial decentralization in 2015-2017. The potential threats to the spatial development of the Carpathian region cities as a result of administrative-territorial and budgetary system reformatting are highlighted, as well as possible ways for their effective settlement are defined. The features of the cities’ positioning in the economy of regions and districts as administrative and financial decentralization result in 2015-2017 convincingly testify that the Carpathian region centers and cities of regional significance are those “centers of growth” that most actively influence the process of socio-economic development in their areas, including due to the benefits of fiscal decentralization. In the long run, uniting around the cities of regional significance and effective cooperation of regional centers with neighboring united territorial communities can intensify the process of urban development, open up opportunities for balancing the interests of these cities as growth centers and suburban territorial communities interested in improving the quality of their inhabitants’ life. 
administrative and financial decentralization, united territorial communities, cities of region significance, city positioning, financial capacity 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142.4:711.451:911.375; JEL O18, P25, R12
Melnyk, M. I., Yaremchuk, R. Ye., & Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2018). Rol' velykykh mist u aktyvizatsiyi endohennoho rozvytku rehioniv [The role of city centers in intensifying the endogenous developments of regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 88 (2), 3-14. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 3

This article has revealed the peculiarities of the influence of the oblast city centers on the endogenous regional development by way of an analysis of the basic local potentials of urban economy, as well as brought to light the main problems of the mobilization of endogenous resources. The current urbanization trends in Ukraine have been estimated within the context of providing endogenous development, and the main obstacles to the realization of the scenario of endogenous development have been identified: demographic, economic and institutional ones. The development of the oblast city centers has been analyzed according to their key indicators, the comparison of the results of urban and regional development during the years 2010-2016 has been carried out, the indicators of the elasticity of the growth rates of the city and oblasts have been calculated, conclusions on ensuring the positive impact of oblast centers on their own regions and the reasons for their absence have been made. The measures towards the effective use of local resources, the reduction of social stratification of the population, providing them with a wider access to basic services have been proposed. The implementation of a new development policy of urban centers as hubs of economic activity will contribute to the cities’ endogenous development, to the increase of their global competitiveness. 
endogenous development, urbanization, cities-oblast centers, regional development, coefficients of elasticity 


Melnyk, M. I., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2018). Pozytsiyuvannya mist v ekonomitsi rehioniv ta rayoniv [Cities positioning in the economy of regions and districts]. In Detsentralizatsiya v Ukrayini ta yiyi vplyv na sotsial’no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok terytoriy: metodychni pidkhody ta rezul’taty otsinyuvannya [Decentralization in Ukraine and its impact on the socio-economic development of the territories: methodological approaches and evaluation results]: Scientific report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine (pp. 43-48). [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.01.014.021}

Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi na zminu pozytsionuvannya mist v ekonomitsi Karpats’koho rehionu [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on changing the positioning of cities in the economy of the Carpathian region]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 91(1), 14-23. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.003.001}

Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi decentralizaciyi na zminu pozytsionuvannya mist v ekonomitsi Karpats’koho rehionu [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on the change of positioning of cities in the economy of the Carpathian region]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1(91), 14-23. Retrieved from {re2019.03.134.005}

Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Efektyvnist’ administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi v rehioni: investytsiynyi vymir [Effectiveness of administrative and financial decentralization in the region: an investment dimension]. Finansy Ukrayiny – Finance of Ukraine, 3, 103-117. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.134.009}

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