Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Melnyk Maryana Ivanivna

Melnyk Maryana Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-70-53, (+38099)72-93-873



Zaluts'kyy Ivan Romanovych

Zlydnyk Yuriy Romanovych

Kushnirets'ka Oksana Vasylivna

Leshchukh Iryna Volodymyrivna

Synyura-Rostun Nadiya Romanivna

Synyutka Oleh Mykhaylovych

Shchehlyuk Svitlana Dmytrivna

Yaremchuk Roman Yevhenovych


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [330.34:332.14]:[338.23:911.37]; JEL O18, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2024). Problemni aspekty instytutsiyno-pravovoho zabezpechennya rozvytku ahlomeratsiy yak ob’yekta rehional'noyi polityky [Problematic aspects of the institutional and legal framework of the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 34-48. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 28

The article addresses the problem of the institutional and legal framework for the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy in the context of war and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The article examines the content and features of the international practice of agglomerations and outlines the main models of governance in modern agglomerations. Based on a retrospective analysis of national legislation, it reveals the specifics and fragmentation of changes in the institutional and legal framework for the identification, functioning, and development of agglomerations. The authors prove that even under martial law, no legal provision regulates the functioning of agglomeration as a real object of state regional policy and a catalyst for innovative development and cohesion of territories. A list of topical issues of institutional and legal support for the development of agglomerations as a subject of real regulation exclusively by law in the context of the development of sustainable regional policy is identified, in particular: uncertainty of the legal status of the agglomeration; the absence of a regulated procedure for the formation of an agglomeration and criteria for including territorial communities and/or territories in the agglomeration; the unregulated mechanism for determining, establishing, and documenting the boundaries of the agglomeration and their coordinates with proper mapping in the electronic geographic information systems of the state, in particular in the national geospatial data infrastructure; lack of an institutional and legal mechanism for regulating topical issues of agglomeration development for the joint solution of which territorial communities lack consensus; uncertainty of the forms of state support for agglomerations and stimulation of their development; disregard of the development and implementation of a unified infrastructure for statistical measurement and availability of statistical data on socioeconomic development and functioning of agglomerations; stagnation of the creation of an integrated electronic information system of urban planning cadaster at the state level, as well as the unification of the functioning of the urban planning cadaster system at the regional and local levels, as a basis for ensuring a balanced urban planning justification for the integrated spatial development of the agglomeration. 
agglomerations, agglomeration development, institutional and legal framework, regional policy 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.055:331.526; JEL E02, F49, О43
Melnyk, M. I., & Synyura-Rostun, N. R. (2023). Mekhanizmy pidtrymky ta naroshchuvannya eksportnoho potentsialu Ukrayiny [Mechanisms for supporting and increasing Ukraine's export potential]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 108 (2), 104-116. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 34

The article examines the main trends of export dynamics in terms of quantitative and structural indicators under martial law. It emphasizes that the formation of an effective policy to stimulate the development of Ukraine’s export potential should become one of the main priorities of the economic development of the state. The main steps of export policy formation at the state level are outlined. The main positive achievements and unrealized priorities of the Export Strategy of Ukraine for 2017-2021 are identified. The article emphasizes that the lack of an established and effective export support mechanism prevents the rapid recovery and expansion of export activities. The international experience in the formation of a mechanism and the use of tools for the protection and support of exporters at the state level is shown. The strengths and weaknesses of the export support instruments used in Ukraine are outlined. Partial regulation by the state under martial law is noted as an additional destructive factor of export activity. The main tools of the export support mechanism used in Ukraine are outlined. Informational and advisory support, financial support, and development of network interaction are highlighted among the tools. The sectoral and functional focus of each tool is defined. Special attention is paid to the financial support of exporters by using the services of the Export Credit Agency (ECA). The use of the ECA tool is effective in supporting the export of high-tech products, as well as industries that are the top priority for the development of the economy. The historical features of the formation of ECA in Ukraine are outlined. The peculiarities of the functioning of the ECA and the main tools used in its work are analyzed. It is necessary to increase the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of the ECA, to expand the types of economic activities that are supported in the direction of increasing the share of goods with high added value. The main measures that will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the ECA are shown, in particular, the popularization of services among exporters, an increase in the amount of financing for exporters, an increase in the authorized capital of the ECA through the involvement of international financial organizations, the issuance of debt securities, the opening of reinsurance limits abroad, and an increase in insurance limits. The article reveals that, currently, there is no formed mechanism for supporting export activity in Ukraine. However, the state of war and its negative impact on foreign economic activity significantly accelerated the process of its formation. 
export, export credit agency, mechanism, tools, support 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142.2:332.05; JEL R58, O18
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2023). Koherentnyy pidkhid do formuvannya suchasnoyi modeli prostorovoho rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrayiny [A coherent approach to the development of a modern model of the spatial development of the Ukrainian economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 23-33. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The article outlines the dominant features and tools for the application of a coherent approach to the development of a modern model of the spatial development of Ukraine’s economy, taking into account the context of administrative and financial decentralization and the post-war recovery of Ukraine. The authors offer the definition of spatial coherence of regional development as a synthetic (integral) characteristic that reveals the ability of the territorial-social system for spatial integrity, integration, connectivity, and coherence in the social, economic, and institutional plane at the local, regional, subregional, macroregional, and national levels. The article substantiates that the effectiveness and harmony of the spatial development of Ukraine are achieved under the condition of the implementation of a coherent approach to ensuring spatial cohesion and strategic competitiveness of regional development (the defining priorities of the 2027 State Strategy for Regional Development). However, the simultaneous achievement of these tasks is often difficult due to their asynchronicity, which manifests itself in the issues of approaches, tools, and mechanisms of regulation and development. This calls for the development of scientifically-based recommendations for the improvement of regional policy in Ukraine based on the search for the optimal balance and coordination of priorities (mechanisms) for the achievement of spatial coherence (cohesion, integration, and inclusion in the economic, social, and institutional spheres) and the development of promising and strategically competitive types of economic activity, which would take into account the competitive advantages of territorial and social systems and be based on the priorities of their smart specialization, ensuring in the future the increase of territorial capital and growing social, budgetary, and economic returns for the regional system in general. The subject areas of conceptual and applied tasks for the formation of a modern model of spatial development of the economy of Ukraine on a coherent basis are defined. The financial, economic, institutional, and spatial planning instruments of coherence of strategic socio-economic and spatial priorities of development of territorial social systems of different levels and the policy of integrated development of regional and local systems and coordination of strategic and spatial planning at the national level are substantiated. 
coherence, coherent approach, spatial development, regional policy, vertical coordination, horizontal coordination, communities, regions, functional types of territories 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.1:338.2:332.1; JEL E23, L23, L60, M11, R30
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2022). Osoblyvosti, problemy ta stymuly relokatsiyi natsional'noho vyrobnytstva v umovakh viyny [Peculiarities, problems and incentives of relocation of national production in conditions of war]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 104 (2), 94-100. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The article provides an overview of the trends in the relocation of manufacturing companies to safe regions from territories where active hostilities have taken place. The main threats of the enterprises relocation under the war have been identified, in particular: disruption of economic ties; logistics challenges; lack of a qualified workforce due to the outflow of residents from the country; high cost, legal and technical complexity of relocation procedures; resource loss as well as goods, fixed assets, etc. during relocation. There are also mobility restrictions for certain types of enterprises due to their territorial «attachment» (primarily, agribusiness, major manufacturers and logistics enterprises). The growth share of business relocation abroad can be recognized as a threat to the balanced spatial development of Ukraine. It has been emphased that the state program for business relocation with appropriate financial assistance and support should be launched in order to foster the process within the country and reduce the rate of enterprises relocation abroad. Other important directions for improving and increasing the efficiency of the state policy of enterprises relocation include: expanding list of eligible regions for business relocation; development and implementation of an efficient system of leasing industrial equipment and provision of a state financial guarantee for enterprises which have an intention to relocate. Moreover, technical and economic predictions of urgent actions to ensure an efficient process of enterprises relocation should be developed as well as promotion domestic products on the domestic and international markets, searching for a new export opportunity. Special attention has been paid to legislation concerning the development of industrial parks and its adaptation to the process of business relocation. The importance of involving regional employment centers in job search assistance and training personnel for relocated enterprises has been underlined.It has been concluded that the launch of a new business in the territories where there are no active hostilities will allow, firstly, to broaden the tax base for local authorities, secondly, to create a new jobs, to restrain the outflow of workforce abroad, and contribute to improving their solvency. 
relocation, national production, entrepreneurship, business relocation, Russia-Ukraine War 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.9:[330.34+330.35]; JEL F63, O11, O40
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2022). Vyokremlennya hlobalizatsiynykh chynnykiv sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku: kontsept endohenizatsiyi [Identification of globalizing factors of socio-economic development: the concept of endogenization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 103 (1), 14-30. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

The article addresses the problem of the impact of the modern socio-economic development globalization factors in the context of its endogenization. The authors argue that forming of the global economic system with high interdependence between regional integration entities and interaction of national economies in global conditions of uncertainty, instability, and unpredictability constitute the nature and main feature of modern globalization processes. Global interdependence is the major factor of global interaction for an efficient solution to joint problems, their prevention, and realization of joint interests, including political, economic, social, and environmental, etc. The fundamental interests of global interaction include the Sustainable Development Goals directed at “building forward better” based on the “leave no one behind” principle defined in the UN Sustainable Development Summit Resolution “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the implementation of the Paris Climate Accords and European Green Deal. The globalization factors are identified following the methodology of KOF Globalization Index calculation on the national level: by globalization types – de-facto and de-jure; by the kind of globalization – economic, social, political; by the sub-kind of globalization – trade-based, finance-based, interpersonal, informational, cultural. The following issues are determined based on the content analysis of analytical, scientific, and legal sources and governance practices in the socio-economic development: main factors affecting de-facto the economic growth in Ukraine and its regions; external political factors that strengthen the relationship between the national economy and modern globalization processes and foster endogenous development of Ukrainian regions; factors of goal-oriented endogenization of regional development in Ukraine (domestic political, spatial, economic, social, environmental) as prospective drivers of sustainable socio-economic growth in Ukraine. 
globalization factors, socio-economic development, development endogenization 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.025; 332.13; JEL F01, R58, R23
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2021). Suchasni hlobal'ni vyklyky ta trendy: diahnostyka vplyvu na endohennyy rozvytok rehionu [Modern global challenges and trends: diagnostics of impact on the region’s endogenous development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 101 (3), 36-45. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 29

Different approaches to the interpretation of the definition of “globalization” and assessments of its impact on the endogenous development of the state and regions are considered. The paper argues that global trends have a decisive influence on the economy and the potential of endogenous development of the regions of Ukraine in view of: strengthened polycentricity of spatial development; expansion of protectionist tendencies and global asymmetry; reduced level of functionality of international institutions; the beginning of regionalization of virtual networks. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature and analytical materials, the main modern globalization challenges and trends are revealed - strengthening the interdependence of the world’s economies; strengthening economic protectionism; growth of external debts of the world; growing inequality in income distribution, widening the gap between rich and poor countries; urbanization, metropolization; political, ideological, and military challenges, etc. The main areas of influence of these megatrends in the context of endogenous development of the region are named - the resistance of the region’s economy to cyclical global fluctuations and risks; the region’s involvement in global value chains; intellectualization of labor, human potential, knowledge economy, and creative economy; cohesion of spatial socio-economic development; cybersecurity of the region’s economy; virtualization of socio-political relations; digitalization; migration and tourist flows, etc. The paper proves that the impact of current global challenges and trends on the endogenous development of the region is multidirectional. Thus, some trends may pose risks and threats to the endogenous development of the region (i.e. cause deterioration of its socio-economic status), and others - may still have positive or neutral results despite the creation of certain threats to the security of the region. 
globalization, endogenous development of the region, global trends, global challenges, socio-economic development, international trade, financial globalization 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.46:[351.82:343.37]; JEL O14, М38
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2021). Aktualizatsiya priorytetnykh napryamiv systemnoyi detinizatsiyi sfery komertsiynykh posluh v Ukrayini [Update of the priority directions of systemic commercial services de-shadowing in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 186-199. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 27

The paper addresses the issue of forming the priority directions of systemic commercial services de-shadowing in Ukraine. A long-term exceeding of the limit level of the shadow economy in Ukraine, which testifies to the existence of a real threat to its national security, is identified. The paper outlines economic and legal preconditions and modern scientific accents and approaches to the key elements of the mechanism for counteracting the shadowing of the national economy. The list and content of priority measures to reduce the level of the shadow economy are systematized. The authors argue that the algorithm for implementing any transparent model of economic development should be based on the comprehensive implementation of all elements of the principle of economic freedom. The paper proves that the following provisions are the modern consensus basis to develop and implement the policy of national economy de-shadowing: prohibition of abuse of monopoly position in the market, illegal restriction of competition, and unfair competition; protection by the state of competition in business and consumer rights; state control over the quality and safety of products and all types of services and works; the obligation of everyone to pay taxes and fees in the manner and amounts prescribed by law; the obligation of all citizens to annually submit a declaration of their property and income for the previous year in the manner prescribed by law. National priority of unblocking the process of annual declaration of property and income of all Ukrainian citizens and systemic implementation of the mechanism of state control over quality and safety of products and all types of services and works with consolidated civil participation is emphasized. The actual implementation of such a mechanism is possible through the adoption of a problem-oriented legal document «On the principles of preventing and combating the shadow economy». A range of propriety directions of services de-shadowing to be taken into account is suggested. 
shadowing of the economy, de-shadowing of the service sector, priorities of de-shadowing, directions of system de-shadowing 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.46:[351.82:343.37]:342.841(477); JEL O14, М38
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2020). Suchasni aspekty ekonomiko-pravovoho rehulyuvannya klasyfikatsiyi ta identyfikatsiyi posluh u konteksti detinizatsiyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Modern aspects of law-economic regulations of service classification and identification for unshadowing the economy of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 96 (2), 112-130. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 30

The article deals with the modern aspects of “shadowing” economy as socio-economic fact. The definition of “shadowing economy” is revealed not to be regulated by the legislative acts of Ukraine. Retrospective analysis of the legal regulation of the term “service” proves a diversity of modern interpretation of this category in the legal documents of Ukraine. Currently, the essence of the term “commerce service” is not regulated by any document. The results of the official integrated estimation of the size of the shadow economy do not show its real state and development tendencies by the types of economic activity differentiated according to the specific areas and types of services. The absence of a clear definition of the object of procurement, primarily the service sector, which leads to manipulation and inefficient use of funds is established to be one of the main factors determining the corruption risks in the system of public and sub-procurement. Nowadays, the State Classifier of Products and Services DK 016:2010 (SCPS) defined as the potential basis for industrial classification of products/services is a systematized summary of product names and services with their coding according to the hierarchical system of classification. The peculiarities and problems of implementing SCPS and the other classifications in the service sector are analyzed. The article proves that the State Statistics Service of Ukraine ignores methodologically SCPS as the ground for statistical classifications named “base for classifier conflicts” under stagnation of the national classification system, which preserves the risks of increased ‘shadowing’ in accounting and procurement and blocks the potentially transparent commercialization of services and their cumulative impact on socio-economic growth by different types of economic activity. The paper suggests the range of elements to be defined as integral elements of the legislative mechanism for the economy unshadowing in the service sector. 
services, law-economic regulations, classification and identification of services, unshadowing the economy 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [339.923:061.1]:332.146.2; JEL О31, R19, R58
Melnyk, M. I., Shchehlyuk, S. D., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2020). Rehional'na polityka YeS v konteksti smart-spetsializatsiyi: efektyvnist' finansuvannya priorytetnykh napryamiv [EU regional policy in the context of smart-specialization: efficiency of priority directions’ funding]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 172-183. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The paper provides the evaluation of the efficiency of financing the regional policy promotion activities from the EU structural funds and efficiency of funding of national and regional smart specialization strategies’ priorities in 2014-2020. It determines 6 key smart specialization domains among 216 RIS3 of national and regional (NUTS 2) levels: agriculture, food, and biotechnologies; green technologies, energy; transport, mobility, logistics; ICT; life sciences, biotechnologies, pharmacy, biotechnologies; material sciences and intellectual production. Four hypotheses on the close relationship between the investment volumes, directions, and results of their use are empirically verified. The results of the applied correlation analysis show the close relationship between the volumes of funding of the smart-specialization activities and the paces of agricultural output per capita with three clusters of countries by the distribution of funding by the strategic priorities. Regarding the other smart specialization priorities – “environmental technologies, energy efficiency” and “transport, mobility, logistics”, the dependence between the funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds and reducing CO2 emissions from new vehicles is proven. Support of strategic priorities “material science” and “smart production” by European Structural and Investment Funds in 2014-2020 is characterized by growing GRP volumes per capita with clear differences between the developed and average-level EU countries. The reasonability of supporting the implementation of the smart-priority “medicine, pharmacy, healthcare” in most RIS3 of EU countries and the substantial correlation of financial support from EU funds with the paces of state expenses on healthcare increase is substantiated. The conclusions about the efficiency of selected priorities, their high convergence ability, and the capacity to form transnational cooperation are made. 
regional policy, EU, smart-specialization strategy, priorities, efficiency evaluation 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.322; JEL E22, H54, R11, R53, P25
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2019). Sektoral'ni ta prostorovi osoblyvosti investytsiynykh protsesiv u rehioni [Sectoral and spatial features of investment processes in a region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 94 (4), 120-126. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Investment is an important indicator of the economic development of a region. The article examines sectoral and spatial features of investment processes in a region (on the example of Zaporizhzhya region). In particular, capital investment of enterprises in Zaporizhzhya region are analyzed by types of assets, sources of financing and types of economic activity, while development (use) of capital investment – by types of industrial activity. The paper establishes that: 1) own funds of enterprises were the main source of capital investment in Zaporizhzhya region during the period under review; 2) the highest share of capital investment in the region is financed by industrial enterprises; 3) the share of investment in professional, scientific and technical activities is reduced. The active development of the region’s industrial infrastructure is becoming a challenge for its environment today. Nevertheless, capital investment for environmental protection were found to have decreased in 2017 compared to 2016. Therefore, the strategic objective of the region today is to make effective use of its existing investment potential, in particular to improve the environment. The main factors influencing the investment processes in Zaporizhzhya region were identified: a) positive factors, in particular: availability of natural resources and own energy resources; higher level of profitability of enterprises in the region than the average in Ukraine; ongoing processes of deregulation, decentralization, reform of the territorial organization of power in Ukraine; b) factors of a negative nature, in particular: territorial (spatial) imbalance of business development and institutional infrastructure of business support; small capital investment for environmental protection; aggravation of the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine, etc. 
investment process, capital investment, investment efficiency, regional economy, spatial development 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 334.012.74:352:911.372.32; JEL H72, О18, R51
Melnyk, M. I., & Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2019). Mista oblasnoho znachennya u protsesi formuvannya ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad: osoblyvosti pryyednannya ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Cities of regional significance in the formation of amalgamated territorial communities: particularities of accession and prospects for development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 3-12. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

Legal preconditions and current condition of forming of amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) on the basis of the cities of oblast significance (COSs) are examined. Advantages of consolidation of adjoining rural (town) communities with the COSs in financial, spatial and institutional fields are assessed. The dynamics of demographic and territorial parameters of COSs before and after consolidation with rural and town communities is analyzed. The analysis verifies the fact that with consolidation of more territorial communities the area grows significantly and the number of population grows slightly due to concentration of population on the limited area of a city and substantial spatial resource of rural communities. Budget parameters of newly created ATCs on the basis of the cities of oblast significance by the criteria of financial capacity of amalgamated territorial communities is estimated. The higher level of development and tax capacity of territorial communities with the center in the city of oblast significance and some diversification of financial parameter among them are emphasized. The following financial results received for urban ATCs are characterized by high diversification: cost of managerial bodies’ maintenance, general fund income per capita, level of budgets’ subsidiarity. Additional parameters to adjust financial estimated data of the efficiency of urban ATCs’ activity are suggested. Special attention is paid to the fact that financial resource is the major additional resource obtained from consolidation with COS for a rural community and spatial – for a city. However, the importance of staff resources for both consolidation participants is somewhat undervalued. Substantial increase of the area contributes to activation of entrepreneurship and investment capacity of cities and improvement of spatial planning in the perspective, leading to post-industrial agglomeration, strengthening of spatial and institutional cohesion of population. 
cities of oblast significance, decentralization, intermunicipal cooperation, amalgamated territorial communities (the «ATCs»), agglomeration 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 352:338.23; JEL H61, H72, E62, R58
Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi na zminu pozytsionuvannya mist v ekonomitsi Karpats'koho rehionu [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on changing the positioning of cities in the economy of the Carpathian region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 91 (1), 14-23. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

Socio-economic implications of the voluntary association of territorial communities at the administrative and financial decentralization final stage and the expected reformatting of the administrative and territorial structure of Ukrainian regions create favorable conditions for the growth of cities’ economic power and their role in the development of regions and the country as a whole. It is worth noting that without strong regional centers it is difficult to develop strong regions. The main purpose of the article is to determine the features of the impact of administrative and financial decentralization on changing the cities’ positioning in the Carpathian region’s socio-economic system, as well as to outline the perspective directions of their development in the new administrative-territorial and financial system of Ukrainian regions. In particular, the article outlines the main reasons that cause the low activity of cities in the region during the implementation of administrative and financial decentralization in 2015-2017. The potential threats to the spatial development of the Carpathian region cities as a result of administrative-territorial and budgetary system reformatting are highlighted, as well as possible ways for their effective settlement are defined. The features of the cities’ positioning in the economy of regions and districts as administrative and financial decentralization result in 2015-2017 convincingly testify that the Carpathian region centers and cities of regional significance are those “centers of growth” that most actively influence the process of socio-economic development in their areas, including due to the benefits of fiscal decentralization. In the long run, uniting around the cities of regional significance and effective cooperation of regional centers with neighboring united territorial communities can intensify the process of urban development, open up opportunities for balancing the interests of these cities as growth centers and suburban territorial communities interested in improving the quality of their inhabitants’ life. 
administrative and financial decentralization, united territorial communities, cities of region significance, city positioning, financial capacity 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142.4:711.451:911.375; JEL O18, P25, R12
Melnyk, M. I., Yaremchuk, R. Ye., & Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2018). Rol' velykykh mist u aktyvizatsiyi endohennoho rozvytku rehioniv [The role of city centers in intensifying the endogenous developments of regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 88 (2), 3-14. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 3

This article has revealed the peculiarities of the influence of the oblast city centers on the endogenous regional development by way of an analysis of the basic local potentials of urban economy, as well as brought to light the main problems of the mobilization of endogenous resources. The current urbanization trends in Ukraine have been estimated within the context of providing endogenous development, and the main obstacles to the realization of the scenario of endogenous development have been identified: demographic, economic and institutional ones. The development of the oblast city centers has been analyzed according to their key indicators, the comparison of the results of urban and regional development during the years 2010-2016 has been carried out, the indicators of the elasticity of the growth rates of the city and oblasts have been calculated, conclusions on ensuring the positive impact of oblast centers on their own regions and the reasons for their absence have been made. The measures towards the effective use of local resources, the reduction of social stratification of the population, providing them with a wider access to basic services have been proposed. The implementation of a new development policy of urban centers as hubs of economic activity will contribute to the cities’ endogenous development, to the increase of their global competitiveness. 
endogenous development, urbanization, cities-oblast centers, regional development, coefficients of elasticity 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.47:004]:330.837(477); JEL K30, L86
Melnyk, M. I. (2018). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya rozvytku IT-sektoru v Ukrayini: osnovni problemy ta priorytetni napryamy udoskonalennya [Institutional maintenance of ІТ-sector development in Ukraine: major problems and priority directions of improvement]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 87 (1), 102-110. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

Development of information space and information technologies becomes the powerful factor of economic growth stimulation, higher quality of social processes’ integration and improvement of competitive level of national economy in general. Information technologies’ development encompasses broad activity spheres, influences the functioning of many institutions and creates environment for efficient production development and providing of services.
Regulative acts of Ukrainian legislation in the IT sphere are analyzed and the fact that they correspond to main principles and strategic priorities of global information development and to the European Union legislation is proven. However, the level of information society development in conditions of European integration course doesn’t agree with the capacity and opportunities of Ukraine due to various problems of real application of existing legislation (inefficient procedures of implementation, permanent lack of sphere’s funding, dispersion of regulative functions and budget resources) as well as crisis tendencies of social and economic development in general.
The issue of forming of the system of harmonized and favourable institutional maintenance of IT-sector development under current conditions of global competitiveness requires improvement in the context of forming of more flexible system quickly reacting to the influences of institutional (including informal), political, economic, social and global factors on the business activity of IT-companies in the process of coordination of strategic priorities of information technologies development.
Institutional maintenance of forming of IT-sector development public policy in Ukraine is analyzed, in particular legislative and regulative maintenance in the sphere of national informatization program, strategic view of information society and informatization development, electronic document management and governance, legalization of software, etc. The fact that institutional environment is also formed by informal relations and institutional traps, which impact the business activity of IT-companies, is proven.
Suggestions over improvement of domestic system of legislative and regulative maintenance of IT sector development in the context of creation of favourable conditions for conducting of ICT-business are made. Organizational and economic priorities of public policy of IT-sector development in the context of its competitiveness improvement and IT-innovations commercialization are defined. Recommendations on forming of favourable conditions for efficient cluster cooperation between the IT-sector entities on domestic and international markets are suggested.
Priority measures of forming of favourable organizational and institutional environment of IT-sphere development are defined on the basis of analysis of IT development priorities, which will have high success capacity (profitability) in the nearest future, contributing to national innovation ecosystem development and being the basis for the country’s leadership in the It sphere. Foresight technology is applied as the instrument of priority forming and mobilization of numerous participants in order to achieve qualitatively new results in the sphere of science and technologies. 
information technologies, ІТ-sector, ІТ-cluster, institutional maintenance of IT-sector development, country’s innovative ecosystem, public policy of IT-sector development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.424:[332.122:911.375], JEL R12, R13, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Kushniretska, O. V. (2016). Prostorovyy rozvytok industrial'nykh parkiv u konteksti metropolizatsiyi [Industrial parks’ spatial development in terms of metropolisation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 54-61. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Under the conditions of today’s global economic integration and institutional transformation the processes of metropolisation are the most important processes of spatial development. Formation and development of metropolises as powerful poles of economic growth, the spread of their influence on the socio-economic development of the surrounding areas, as well as their inclusion into the network of supranational social, financial, and institutional linkages are essential prerequisites to building reasonable and effective mechanisms for spatial policy of regions’ development. It is argued that synergy interaction and concentration of social development potentials (financial, economic, innovative, informational, educational, cultural) in the metropolitan cities provides connectivity of regions with global communications and processes through the transfer of metropolises development impetus arising from international communicational, organizational and informational links onto the surrounding area and the transformation of its economic structure. Development of powerful metropolitan cities is a development catalyst of the advanced forms of business spatial organization and organization of business activities, such as network structure, innovative clusters, technology parks, industrial parks, business incubators, online businesses, holding companies, multinationals and so on. It is argued that the development of business spatial organization and selection of its best forms is one of the main factors of regional economy competitiveness, as it helps the localization of business activity, the formation of «points of growth», the development of interregional and intraregional cooperation and the activation of local entrepreneurship.Рубрика: Регіональна політика і територіальний розвиток 
metropolisation, form of spatial organization of business activity, region, development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.342.146:338.2:330.837:124.5(477)
Melnyk, M. I., & Zlydnyk, Y. R. (2015). Aksiolohichni chynnyky modernizatsiyi sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku Ukrayiny [Axiological factors of modernization of socio-economic development of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The article is devoted reasoning of necessity to enhance axiological factors of modernization of socio-economic development of Ukraine. The basic characteristics and essential role of axiological factors in socio-economic development of country are determined, theoretical principles of axiological modernization of the national economy and generalized scientific approaches to impact assessment of axiological factors on socio-economic development are systematized. Conceptual and terminological research unit of national economy is expanded through the introduction into scientific language the definition of “axiological factors of modernization of socio-economic development”. The evolution of views on the role of axiological factors in social and economic development of the countries was analyzed. The basic institutional, moral and psychological barriers of socio-economic development in the context of European integration are analyzed. According to the results of a questionnaire it was found that among the factors hindering the modernization of the national economy the most important in the system of social and economic relationship are: the decline of spirituality, ignoring the moral and ethical standards, educational (in particular the low quality of existing educational programs), cultural (lack of understanding of the importance of cultural factor in the economic relationship) and mental (opportunism, perception of Ukraine as a hopeless country, etc.), as well as the weakness of formal institutions (in particular, because of the dominance of informal relations, corruption of supervisory and regulatory authorities, etc.). Comparative analysis of the interdependence of the main macroeconomic indicators of the value characteristics of the economic environment based on international comparisons is conducted. The interdependencies are found between: macroeconomic indicators (GDP, capital investments, employment, direct foreign investment), indicators that reveal personal values as economic actors (education and intellectual, mental, cultural, spiritual dimension), institutional and axiological characteristics of system of economic relations in society (economic freedom, protection of property rights, facility of business leading, corruption). Conceptual approaches and principles of axiological modernization of socio-economic development of Ukraine are elaborated. The basic principles of the concept of axiological modernization of social and economic development of Ukraine are as follows: ethical and moral paradigms of social and economic relations; deactivating of consumer society; observance and guarantees of equal rights and freedoms of man and citizen as the highest value and background of social and economic development; support of spiritual and intellectual development, socialization and motivation of the individual; stimulation of social responsibility, activity, partnership, cohesion and solidarity of economic agents in the society; etc. Methodological principles of governmental regulations of institutional changes in the national economy are improved on the basis of justification and systematization of trends and policy measures of axiologization of institutional environment of socio-economic relations in the context of economic (elimination of institutional strains of investment and business climate, improvement of public policy regulations for business growth based on value principles of economic relationships) and socio-humanitarian (improving the quality of education, healthcare, level of culture, spiritual development of personality, the formation of a new quality management and mentally healthy and consolidated nation and the development of civil society) blocks. 
axiological factors, modernization, socio-economic development, axiologization of institutional environment, state regulation of modernization processes, axiological modernization of socio-economic development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.145
Melnyk, M. I., Synyutka, O. M., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2015). Orhanizatsiyno-instytutsiyne zabezpechennya stratehichnoho planuvannya rozvytku metropoliyi: inozemnyy dosvid ta uroky dlya Ukrayiny [Оrganizational and institutional support of strategic planning of metropolis development: foreign experience and lessons for Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 76(2), 163-174. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

The article is to study the organizational and institutional support of strategic planning from the perspective of foreign metropolises opportunities for application of best practice in this field in Ukraine. For this the key approaches, methods and tools for strategic planning of metropolises of Italy (including the Great Milan), Great Britain (including Greater London, Greater Manchester, Greater Birmingham), Poland (particularly Great Krakow and Great Warsaw), Germany (particularly Great Stuttgart), France (including Grand Strasbourg), Ireland (particularly Greater Dublin) and Sweden (including Great Malmo) are analysed. The study found that the formation of metropolitan areas in the European Union was the key to the dynamic development of the macro-region, the powerful integration mechanism and an important factor in geopolitical influence. However, the formation of the metropolitan system within the country that have high functional status and extend their influence beyond the state, allowed to intensify regional development of the national territory. Common features in the strategic planning of foreign metropolises were identified, including: 1) transition to planning, based on the partnership between the city administration and relevant entities of metropolitan area; 2) direct active participation of local communities in the development of strategies of the metropolis; 3) designing approach to the priorities and strategic directions of development; 4) strengthening of foreign economic aspect in a globalized economy; 5) consideration of environmental component; 6) permanent monitoring of the implementation of the strategic plan of the metropolis development; 7) openness of strategic plans for adjustment.Based on the results of the study, recommendations for improving of organizational and institutional support of strategic planning of metropolitan areas in Ukraine, taking into account the progressive international trends in this area, were formulated.The necessity of the implementation of comprehensive integrated strategic planning as a tool for sustainable development of metropolitan area is substantiated. A key aspect of its implementation should be a clear definition of development priorities, taking into account the specificity inherent in a particular city, because in modern conditions of social and economic instability, it will: 1. Enable the development and increase the independence of the metropolis. 2. Help to improve the status of the metropolis, because strategic planning is an important factor of prestige, which improves its reputation, especially internationally. 3. Increase the efficiency of municipal management in traditional local municipalities with limited resources. In the process of theoretical and applied research were used the following methods: systematic and dialectic; logic synthesis, system analysis, comparison and synthesis; strategic analysis. Information base of research is laws and regulations of the studied foreign countries concerning the management of metropolitan development, leading domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners studies and researches on a wide range of managerial problems of urban development. 
metropolis, metropolis development, strategic planning, plan of development, strategy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.15:771
Melnyk, M. I. (2014). Metropolizatsiyni protsesy v rehioni: kontseptual'ni pidkhody do prostorovoho analizu [Metropolisation processes in the region: conceptual approaches to spatial analysis]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 86-97. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The peculiarities of metropolisation as the dominant trends of economic space, to its objective conditions and factors are studied: the priority of of formation polycentric model of regional development in the direction of creating metropolian habitats in different regions and reduction of regional disparities, connecting regions to global communications and processes by the metropolis transfer pulses of development to others.

Metropolisation is determined as the process of increasing the concentration of social, cultural, economic (including financial) capital of information, modern forms of economic activity, innovation and creative and managerial capacity in some major cities, with convenient “nodal” position, which is defined as neighborhood relations and communication system formed.

Сonceptual approaches to spatial analysis metropolisation processes in the region are generalized. The results of the evaluation of development of integral functions of metropolian cities in terms of organizational, administrative, economic, innovative and creative, representative tourist, cultural, scientific, educational, transport and logistics and socio-demographic components are presented. The analysis showed that in the majority of functions L’viv confirmed its status as a regional metropolis that has higher than other cities in the Western Region metropolis potential.

Spatial analysis of centro-peripheral interactions in the region, namely the dependence of development the surrounding area on the level of major metropolitan cities, the complexity and diversity of their functional status is done. Namely, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the impact intensity metropolis center (nucleus consolidating social and business) for socio-economic development of districts of Lviv region, given their territorial proximity. In addition, it was found that the depth of penetration of development pulses generated by the metropolis center in the spatial aspect is different and depends primarily on the absorption capacity of their economies to accept technological, managerial and social innovation, appropriate conditions and resources development.

Prospects increase metropolis potential of large cities as centers of creative, innovative and competitive economic activities associated with the expansion of intraregional, interregional and international relations, intensification of inter-municipal cooperation, spatial optimization of economic clusters, institutional frameworks to promote endogenous development factors, that the effective use of internal growth potential is proved. 

metropolisation, city metropolis, agglomeration, urbanization, regional metropolis, metropolis space, metropolis functions, spatial analysis, spatial development policy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.225.3
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2014). Systema podatkovoho kontrolyu: analiz efektyvnosti ta napryamy udoskonalennya [Tax control system: analysis of effectiveness and areas for improvement]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 106-115. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The aim of the paper is to study the methodological principles and practical recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness and improvement of tax control areas in Ukraine. We investigate the functioning of national tax control (legal, organizational and economic); analyze the strengths and weaknesses of existing methodologies to assess the efficiency of tax control. With the help of a relative measure methodology, the horizontal comparison of data, statistical and factor analysis we perform multifactoral analysis of the tax authorities of Lviv region from the standpoint of its efficiency, effectiveness and quality. Based on that we deduct main destabilizing factors that influence the development of tax control. These factors primarily include: lack of partnership between regulatory authorities and business entities; lack of tax culture and consciousness of taxpayers; high tax burden, which causes deformation and institutional biases regarding tax culture, discipline, and consciousness of taxpayers. Minimizing of mentioned factors is an acute need in the way of improvement of the efficiency of tax administration in Ukraine and ensuring appropriate conditions for the development of local business. We specify the priority areas of improvement of tax control in the context of improving the efficiency of tax administration in Ukraine, that include: improving legislation regulating of tax control; use of an effective risk-selection system checks to taxpayers; minimization of fiscal burden on business and creation a favorable business environment in order to realize the business potential in Ukraine; training of highly qualified tax inspectors and monitoring their activities. The necessity of mass-outreach among tax authorities and tax payers, as a strategic preventive methods of tax control, should include: prompt advising taxpayers on tax matters; application of individual approaches to the clarification as consultation, seminar, press conferences, briefings for management companies; conduct systematic preventive work among potential taxpayers; design and continuous updating of information stands and specialized web-site with coverage of major trends and results of the test control and analysis of the tax authorities. We specify in the priority areas of coverage bias uncontrolled taxpayers by tax control due to inefficient formation of schedules of tax audits, including: automation of analytical processes and information support risk identification activities to the exclusion of human factors, and consequently, any abuse of the process of planning control and inspection of the tax authorities; provision assigning each and every taxpayer in one of the steps of the risk of economic activities in order to avoid the burden of the tax increase resulting from arbitrary control inspection and as a result, increasing informal (corrupt) component relationships business entities and tax authorities, increasing transaction costs in the economy general; harmonization of regulations frequency of planned measures of state control in various legal documents; transparency and openness of procedures assigning of business risk level; opportunity to appeal the decision of the tax authority. 
tax administration, control, tax control system, evaluation of the efficiency of tax control, tax control bodies, monitoring of control and verifying work 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Melnyk, M. I. (2010). Instytut sotsial'no oriyentovanoho biznes-seredovyshcha v ekonomichnykh vidnosynakh: tsili ta instrumenty stymulyuvannya [The Institute of Socially Oriented Business Environment in Economic Relations: the Purposes and Stimulation Tools]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 15-23. [in Ukrainian]. 

Principles and criteria of formation of the institute of socially oriented business environment are offered; the threats of social and economic character as a result of transplantation of the norms of this institute in economic relations are generalized; the basic tendencies and factors of social partnership development in Ukraine are analyzed; the target model of forming of socially oriented business environment, which reveals the mechanisms of development of the business socially responsible behavior standards, satisfaction of social needs of society, maintenance of social cohesion of business, upgrade of image of socially responsible business entities and implementation of organizational and economic tools of stimulation of socially responsible behavior of national business entities is developed. 
socially oriented business environment, social responsibility of business, social cohesion of business, social partnership, social marketing, рublіc and private partnership 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.24:334.7
Melnyk, M. I. (2008). Klasyfikatsiya biznes-seredovyshcha: systemnyy pidkhid [Classification of Business-Environment: the System Approach]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 251-260. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Interpretation of the essence of concept "business environment" has been expanded, its prominent features have been singled out; on the basis of the offered system of criteria of an estimation classification of kinds of business environment for the purpose of the complex account of objective variety of its properties during the substantiation of a state policy of its formation has been elaborated. 
business–environment, systems approach, complex account 


Melnyk, M. I. (2015). Prostorovi formy orhanizatsiyi biznesu yak chynnyk zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti rehional’noyi ekonomiky [Spatial forms of business organization as a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the regional economy]. In Konkurentospromozhnist’ v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi: realiyi, problemy ta perspektyvy [Competitiveness under globalization: realities, problems and prospects] (Proceedings of Ninth international scientific conference): (pp. 69-70). Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Branch of the Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology. {re2016.04.160.014}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.). (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of large cities of Ukraine: development potential and prospects of implementation]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. {re2017.01.129.001}

Melnyk, M. I. (2012). Formuvannya biznes-seredovyshcha Ukrayiny v umovakh instytutsiynykh transformatsiy [Formation of Ukrainian business environment in terms of institutional transformations]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.01.048.002}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of big cities of Ukraine: development potential and prospects of realization]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Reseach. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.01.102.001}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of major cities in Ukraine: development potential and realization prospects]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.02.003.003}

Melnyk, M. I. (2015). Prostorovi formy orhanizatsiyi biznesu yak chynnyk zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti rehionalʹnoyi ekonomiky [Spatial forms of business organization as a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of a regional economy]. In Konkurentospromozhnistʹ v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi: realiyi, problemy ta perspektyvy [Competitiveness in the conditions of globalization: realities, problems and prospects]. Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific and Practical Conference (pp. 69-70). Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr branch of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technologies. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.070.003}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.). (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of big cities of Ukraine: development potential and prospects of realization]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.097.002}

Melnyk, M. I., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2018). Pozytsiyuvannya mist v ekonomitsi rehioniv ta rayoniv [Cities positioning in the economy of regions and districts]. In Detsentralizatsiya v Ukrayini ta yiyi vplyv na sotsial’no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok terytoriy: metodychni pidkhody ta rezul’taty otsinyuvannya [Decentralization in Ukraine and its impact on the socio-economic development of the territories: methodological approaches and evaluation results]: Scientific report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine (pp. 43-48). [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.01.014.021}

Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi na zminu pozytsionuvannya mist v ekonomitsi Karpats’koho rehionu [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on changing the positioning of cities in the economy of the Carpathian region]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 91(1), 14-23. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.003.001}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of large cities of Ukraine: development potential and prospects for implementation]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.013.012}

Kravtsiv, V. S., Melnyk, M. I., & Antonov, V. B. (2011). Zaluchennya pryamykh inozemnykh investytsiy v ekonomiku Ukrayiny: problemy ta polityka aktyvizatsiyi [Attracting foreign direct investment into the Ukrainian economy: challenges and activation policies]. Lviv. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.115.010}

Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi decentralizaciyi na zminu pozytsionuvannya mist v ekonomitsi Karpats’koho rehionu [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on the change of positioning of cities in the economy of the Carpathian region]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1(91), 14-23. Retrieved from {re2019.03.134.005}

Melnyk, M. I., Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Efektyvnist’ administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi v rehioni: investytsiynyi vymir [Effectiveness of administrative and financial decentralization in the region: an investment dimension]. Finansy Ukrayiny – Finance of Ukraine, 3, 103-117. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.134.009}

Kravtsiv, V. S., Melnyk, M. I. & Antonov, V. B. (2011). Zaluchennya pryamykh inozemnykh investytsiy v ekonomiku Ukrayiny: problemy ta polityka aktyvizatsiy. [Attracting foreign direct investment to Ukraine: problems and policy activation]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.120.001}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of large cities of Ukraine: development potential and prospects for realization]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.01.033.011}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2019). Inklyuzyvnyy vymir rozvytku mist – tsentriv dilovoyi aktyvnosti Ukrayiny: tendentsiyi ta perspektyvy [Inclusive dimension of development of cities – centers of business activity of Ukraine: tendencies and prospects]: Scientific report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.04.013.007}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2020). Strukturna transformatsiya ekonomiky mist Zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrayiny: peredumovy, chynnyky ta osoblyvosti [Structural transformation of the urban economy of the Western region of Ukraine: preconditions, factors and features]: Scientific report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.02.091.006}

Melnyk, M., Leshchukh, I., Medynska, T., & Rushchyshyn, N. (2020). Potential of the sector of financial services in view of the socio-economic growth of Ukrainian regions. Economic Annals-XXI, 185(9-10), 144-154. DOI: {re2021.02.165.022}

Melnyk, M. (Ed.) (2021). Tinizatsiya sektoru komertsiynykh posluh: natsional'nyy ta rehional'nyy vymir [Shading of the commercial services sector: national and regional dimension]: Scientific report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.02.165.026}

Melnyk, M. I. (2012). Formuvannya biznes-seredovyshcha Ukrayiny v umovakh instytutsiynykh transformatsiy [Formation of the business environment of Ukraine in the context of institutional transformations]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.02.186.019}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2021). Tinizatsiya sektoru komertsiynykh posluh: natsional’nyy ta rehional’nyy vymir [Shading of the commercial services sector: national and regional dimension]: Scientific Report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Seriya «Problemy rehional'noho rozvytku») [(Series «Problems of regional development»)]. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.02.186.022}

Storonyanska, I., Melnyk, M., Leshchukh, I., Shchehlyuk, S., & Medynska, T. (2021). The Efficiency of Financing the Regional Smart-Specialization Strategies’ Implementation from the EU Structural Funds. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(2), 241-255. DOI: {re2021.03.028.007}

Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2021). Suchasni hlobal’ni vyklyky ta trendy: diahnostyka vplyvu na endohennyy rozvytok rehionu [Modern global challenges and trends: diagnostics of impact on the region’s endogenous developmen]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 3(101), 36-45. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.023.002}

Melnyk, M. I., & Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2022). Zakhody pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti stratehuvannya rehional’noho rozvytku v Ukrayini [Measures to increase the effectiveness of regional development strategizing in Ukraine]. In Smart-spetsializatsiya rehioniv Ukrayiny: metodolohiya ta prahmatyka realizatsiyi [Smart specialization of the regions of Ukraine: methodology and pragmatics of implementation] (pp. 348-363). Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.023.005}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2021). Transformatsiya struktury ekonomiky mist Zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrayiny [Transformation of the structure of the economy of the cities of the Western region of Ukraine]. Lviv: SI «Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine». Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.023.007}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2011). Metropoliyni procesy v rehioni: kontseptual’ni pidkhody ta prykladni aspekty prostopovoho analizu [Metropolitan processes in the region: conceptual approaches and practical aspects]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.02.034.003}

Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2022). Vplyv zbroynoyi ahresiyi Rosiyi na endohennyy potentsial rehioniv Ukrayiny [Influence of Russian Federation’s armed aggression on the endogenous potential of the regions of Ukraine]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 9, 21-44. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.02.080.004}

Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2022). Osoblyvosti, problemy ta stymuly relokatsiyi natsional’noho vyrobnytstva v umovakh viyny [Peculiarities, problems and incentives of relocation of national production in conditions of war]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 104(2), 94-100. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.02.041.004}

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