The article addresses the development and implementation of tools to ensure the efficiency of spatially integrated regional development policy based on territorially oriented and security approaches. The national specifics of planning in the field of regional development in the context of coherence with sectoral policies on the balanced organization of the territory and interconnectedness with relevant national, sectoral, regional, and local development programs are revealed. The authors note that the absence of a single holistic structure of state policies, their content, and legally established implementation procedures leads to the destructive functioning of the public administration system and the multiplicity of various inconsistent regulatory legal acts and program and planning documents on regional development. The article shows that strengthening the spatial integration of economic, social, and environmental development of the country as a whole is the basis for the efficiency of regional development policy on the basis of systemic integration of economic, social, and environmental policies, as well as synchronization and coherence of sectoral, regional, and local policies at all levels of government in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine. The realization of state interests becomes a basic priority in state planning documents at the regional and local level for the rapid recovery and development of regions and territorial communities of Ukraine on the principles of transparency of the use of financial resources taking into account the potential and current interests of territorial communities, accountability, sustainability, economic feasibility, and resilience to security threats. The authors suggest creating a National Register of State Interests as part of the implementation of the territorially-oriented and security approaches. The National Register of State Interests is considered to be an information and communication system that ensures the collection, accumulation, accounting, display, processing, updating, protection, and provision of information on state interests in the context of the Codifier of Administrative and Territorial Units and Territories of Territorial Communities, sectoral policies, and state planning documents with the automated generation of the relevant excerpt from the Register in electronic form for the mandatory consideration of state interests at all levels of government.
region, regional development policy efficiency, spatial integration of regional development
The article addresses the problem of the institutional and legal framework for the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy in the context of war and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The article examines the content and features of the international practice of agglomerations and outlines the main models of governance in modern agglomerations. Based on a retrospective analysis of national legislation, it reveals the specifics and fragmentation of changes in the institutional and legal framework for the identification, functioning, and development of agglomerations. The authors prove that even under martial law, no legal provision regulates the functioning of agglomeration as a real object of state regional policy and a catalyst for innovative development and cohesion of territories. A list of topical issues of institutional and legal support for the development of agglomerations as a subject of real regulation exclusively by law in the context of the development of sustainable regional policy is identified, in particular: uncertainty of the legal status of the agglomeration; the absence of a regulated procedure for the formation of an agglomeration and criteria for including territorial communities and/or territories in the agglomeration; the unregulated mechanism for determining, establishing, and documenting the boundaries of the agglomeration and their coordinates with proper mapping in the electronic geographic information systems of the state, in particular in the national geospatial data infrastructure; lack of an institutional and legal mechanism for regulating topical issues of agglomeration development for the joint solution of which territorial communities lack consensus; uncertainty of the forms of state support for agglomerations and stimulation of their development; disregard of the development and implementation of a unified infrastructure for statistical measurement and availability of statistical data on socioeconomic development and functioning of agglomerations; stagnation of the creation of an integrated electronic information system of urban planning cadaster at the state level, as well as the unification of the functioning of the urban planning cadaster system at the regional and local levels, as a basis for ensuring a balanced urban planning justification for the integrated spatial development of the agglomeration.
agglomerations, agglomeration development, institutional and legal framework, regional policy
The article addresses the problems of land asset identification in the context of sustainable development of functional types of territories. Efficient regulation of land and property relations appears to be an essential condition for the comprehensive development of a territorial community based on reliable and systematic information on land resources within its territory. The article substantiates that in conditions of transition to territory-oriented development policy based on the capacity stimulation in the territories of various functional types, the conceptual foundations of the territorial community’s land asset identification include the methodological unity of legal regulation in land valuation and systemic comprehensiveness of the data in the State Land Cadaster. The retrospective analysis of the nature of legal settlement of the assets concept shows various options of modern interpretation of the category in Ukrainian legal documents and the bottlenecks in the regulation of land asset definition as an economic-legal standard. The article proves the lack of administrative and/or statistical information on the quantitative and qualitative land accounting at the level of territorial communities as the main entities of comprehensive development of territories of various functional types. The land asset nature and types are determined. The article offers the recording of the following definitions in national legislation: “land assets”, “tangible land asset”, and “intangible land asset”. The methodological approach to comprehensive actualization of normative and export monetary assessment of land assets in the course of the introduction of online services in the State Land Cadaster based on Blockchain technology is substantiated. The automatic formation of the monetary valuation of land assets on the current date by the software of the State Land Cadaster without the development and approval of the respective technical documents must secure the accessibility of land asset identification in monetary terms at the level of a territorial community or fair land asset cost in accounting, financial, and other records.
land asset, land asset identification, monetary valuation of land assets, functional types of territories
The article addresses the problem of the impact of the modern socio-economic development globalization factors in the context of its endogenization. The authors argue that forming of the global economic system with high interdependence between regional integration entities and interaction of national economies in global conditions of uncertainty, instability, and unpredictability constitute the nature and main feature of modern globalization processes. Global interdependence is the major factor of global interaction for an efficient solution to joint problems, their prevention, and realization of joint interests, including political, economic, social, and environmental, etc. The fundamental interests of global interaction include the Sustainable Development Goals directed at “building forward better” based on the “leave no one behind” principle defined in the UN Sustainable Development Summit Resolution “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the implementation of the Paris Climate Accords and European Green Deal. The globalization factors are identified following the methodology of KOF Globalization Index calculation on the national level: by globalization types – de-facto and de-jure; by the kind of globalization – economic, social, political; by the sub-kind of globalization – trade-based, finance-based, interpersonal, informational, cultural. The following issues are determined based on the content analysis of analytical, scientific, and legal sources and governance practices in the socio-economic development: main factors affecting de-facto the economic growth in Ukraine and its regions; external political factors that strengthen the relationship between the national economy and modern globalization processes and foster endogenous development of Ukrainian regions; factors of goal-oriented endogenization of regional development in Ukraine (domestic political, spatial, economic, social, environmental) as prospective drivers of sustainable socio-economic growth in Ukraine.
globalization factors, socio-economic development, development endogenization
The problem of delineation and identification of problem rural areas at the local level that needs special attention from the state is considered. The approaches to its settlement in the context of specifying the instruments of the state regional policy concerning the improvement of their social and economic condition are investigated. The paper reveals that the meaning of the terms “problem area”, “problem rural area” is not regulated by legislative acts of Ukraine, there are no criteria for identifying problem rural areas, assessing the state of their development, and classification by specific features. Given the limited information and statistical support for clear identification of signs of rural problems at the local level, the basis for their definition is adapted to the European methodology as small regions of NUTS-3 and analogs of local administrative units LAU. The selection of certain types of mainly rural areas is based on criteria of demographic and economic nature. A classification of mostly rural areas is developed. Problem (disadvantaged) mostly rural areas were identified based on compliance with the parameters of one of the four criteria: population density; changes in the existing population over the past three years; the changes in the number of legal entities over the past three years; the amount of tax revenues per person. According to the results of identification of types of mainly rural areas within 416 administrative districts without taking into account the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as of January 1, 2020: disadvantaged mostly rural areas were recorded at the level of 331 administrative districts; declining mostly rural areas were identified at the level of 96 administrative districts. Proposals for legislative support for the formation of tools for the development of problem areas of the state are developed.
problematic rural area, criteria for delineation of problematic rural areas, identification of types of mainly rural areas, tools for the development of problematic rural areas
The paper addresses the issue of forming the priority directions of systemic commercial services de-shadowing in Ukraine. A long-term exceeding of the limit level of the shadow economy in Ukraine, which testifies to the existence of a real threat to its national security, is identified. The paper outlines economic and legal preconditions and modern scientific accents and approaches to the key elements of the mechanism for counteracting the shadowing of the national economy. The list and content of priority measures to reduce the level of the shadow economy are systematized. The authors argue that the algorithm for implementing any transparent model of economic development should be based on the comprehensive implementation of all elements of the principle of economic freedom. The paper proves that the following provisions are the modern consensus basis to develop and implement the policy of national economy de-shadowing: prohibition of abuse of monopoly position in the market, illegal restriction of competition, and unfair competition; protection by the state of competition in business and consumer rights; state control over the quality and safety of products and all types of services and works; the obligation of everyone to pay taxes and fees in the manner and amounts prescribed by law; the obligation of all citizens to annually submit a declaration of their property and income for the previous year in the manner prescribed by law. National priority of unblocking the process of annual declaration of property and income of all Ukrainian citizens and systemic implementation of the mechanism of state control over quality and safety of products and all types of services and works with consolidated civil participation is emphasized. The actual implementation of such a mechanism is possible through the adoption of a problem-oriented legal document «On the principles of preventing and combating the shadow economy». A range of propriety directions of services de-shadowing to be taken into account is suggested.
shadowing of the economy, de-shadowing of the service sector, priorities of de-shadowing, directions of system de-shadowing
The article deals with the modern aspects of “shadowing” economy as socio-economic fact. The definition of “shadowing economy” is revealed not to be regulated by the legislative acts of Ukraine. Retrospective analysis of the legal regulation of the term “service” proves a diversity of modern interpretation of this category in the legal documents of Ukraine. Currently, the essence of the term “commerce service” is not regulated by any document. The results of the official integrated estimation of the size of the shadow economy do not show its real state and development tendencies by the types of economic activity differentiated according to the specific areas and types of services. The absence of a clear definition of the object of procurement, primarily the service sector, which leads to manipulation and inefficient use of funds is established to be one of the main factors determining the corruption risks in the system of public and sub-procurement. Nowadays, the State Classifier of Products and Services DK 016:2010 (SCPS) defined as the potential basis for industrial classification of products/services is a systematized summary of product names and services with their coding according to the hierarchical system of classification. The peculiarities and problems of implementing SCPS and the other classifications in the service sector are analyzed. The article proves that the State Statistics Service of Ukraine ignores methodologically SCPS as the ground for statistical classifications named “base for classifier conflicts” under stagnation of the national classification system, which preserves the risks of increased ‘shadowing’ in accounting and procurement and blocks the potentially transparent commercialization of services and their cumulative impact on socio-economic growth by different types of economic activity. The paper suggests the range of elements to be defined as integral elements of the legislative mechanism for the economy unshadowing in the service sector.
services, law-economic regulations, classification and identification of services, unshadowing the economy
The article deals with scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept «digital economy». It defines digital economy, meaning economy based upon digital technology and provides inclusive socio-economic development and prosperity. The article identifies the specifics, contradictions and transition issues of state policy in the sphere of informatization towards intensive development of digital economy. Under the study the realization of the Concept for the Development of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and the plan of measures for its implementation are determined to be in a state of stagnation. The issue of the Development of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine is not properly transformed into corresponding obligatory functions, tasks and powers of central executive authorities and local self-government bodies yet. It is provided rationale for modern city as a priority object and self-sufficient subject of development of digital economy and society in Ukraine. The cities of Ukraine ought to be observed like local centers of potential dynamic shifts in socio-economic environment of the region and deployment of economic prosperity based on digital development. The perspectives of the concept «smart-city» in the context of modern policy of digital development are performed. The author claims that the determinant of the effective digital development policy in the administrative-territorial units of Ukraine is the adequacy of the system legislative regulation of the institutional and legal mechanisms for its implementation in accordance with the norms of the Information and Digital Codes of Ukraine, the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period until 2020. The consensual basis for synchronous development of the Information and Digital Codes of Ukraine are defined by the government approved principles for implementing the modern state policy of digital development in Ukraine, in particular openness; transparency; multiple usage; technological neutrality and portability of data; citizens-orientated; inclusiveness and accessibility; safety and confidentiality; multilingualism; support decision-making; administrative simplification; information storage; evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness. The article suggests the following: indicating the development of the digital economy and society in Ukraine among the priorities of the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period up to 2020; ensuring the priority of accelerated transformation of the socio-economic environment of cities under the approval of strategic plans, programs and actions within the state regional policy.
digital economy, city, development, transformation, socio-economic environment
This article deals with formation of the state policy regarding natural and agricultural land regionalization of Ukraine. The conceptual principles in the sphere natural and agricultural land regionalization laid down by "The Land Code of Ukraine", the Laws of Ukraine "On Land Management " and "On Land Protection" are outlined. The specifics are revealed: natural and agricultural land regionalization should be carried out exclusively in the order of land management as a systematic measure in the sphere of land protection; natural and agricultural land regionalization in Ukraine is the basis for land valuation, i.e. it is carried out by land management, and not in the process of land valuation; the division of land by purpose is carried out in order to record and reflect the position of land in a single system classification taking into account the natural conditions and agro-biological requirements of agricultural crops, the development of economic activity and the priority of environmental safety requirements; the establishment of requirements for the rational use of land in accordance with the region (zone) and definition of territories requiring special protection from anthropogenic influence are the components of natural and agricultural land regionalization; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine defines the Procedure for implementation of natural and agricultural zoning of land. The retrospective analysis of the regulatory and methodological providing in the sphere of natural and agricultural land regionalization is carried out and the peculiarities of its formation and updating are indicated. The author emphasizes that in 2005-2010 the natural and agricultural land regionalization was reduced to a separate one scientific development at the national level and some intra-regional projects, which have not received official approval. The paper proves that before the natural and agricultural regionalization was carried out in Ukraine, the laws doubtfully recorded some classifications of territorial taxonomic units solely for implementation of land normative monetary valuation, in particular: the list of natural zones with their administrative districts by regions of Ukraine; the list and codes of natural and agricultural areas within regions of Ukraine; the list of natural and agricultural zones and the mountain natural and agricultural regions within Ukraine. The existence of methodological and legal differences in a modern government mechanism of natural and agricultural land regionalization as an integral part of the national (pan-Ukrainian) normative monetary valuation of agricultural land is proved and the threats of its implementation are emphasized.
natural and agricultural land regionalization, regulatory and methodological providing, problems of system implementation
The article studies theoretical approaches to the definition «management of land resources». The peculiarities of this category concept regulation have been reviewed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The drawbacks of economic and law regulation in the management of land resources for Ukraine and their consequences are outlined. The article deals with the significant characteristics of imperfect modern management system of land resources. Complete term regulations, standards, norms, and also efficiency of powers, rules and procedures implementation mechanisms are proved to become decisive for the management of land resources in modern social and economic terms of Ukraine. The article discusses UNECE and FAO approaches to proper management of land resources. Suggestions on forming of legal and inatitutional modernization mechanisms for the management of land resources in Ukraine are provided based on the following foundations: real decentralization, priority of special land protection regime and sustainable land use maintenance, fully-integrated participation of the authorised agents in the management of land resources and the publicity. The main factor of such modernization is total implementation of the Concept of Local Self-Governance Bodies and Authorities’ Territorial Organization Reform in Ukraine and the 2016-2020 Strategy of State Governance Reform in Ukraine approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
modernization, land resources, the management of land resources, decentralization of authorities
The article reviews the implementation peculiarities of moratorium on alienation of land plots designated for commercial agriculture and the rights to them, as well as the reasons, the backgrounds and the risks of its prolonging in modern terms. The author proves the fact that a real threat of negative social and economic consequences can arise under probable moratorium unlocking accordingly with the decision of the European Court of Human Rights or the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and in case of permanent stagnation of national legislative regulation model of commercial agriculture designated land plots circulation and absence of public consensus towards the entities-land purchasers. The article reveals the essence of methodological and legal contradictions of current Land Code of Ukraine regarding moratorium unlocking solely for entry into force of the law on agricultural land circulation. It is defined that due to systematic imperfection of land relations transformation mechanism in Ukraine and absence of effective complex state policy towards land conservation, the perspective of legal liability for harmful effect on wealth of agricultural land and soil fertility had been eliminated even before the moratotium was imposed. The author proves that the urgency and the legitimacy of the records from the State Land Cadastre on agricultural land plots as the objects of perspective full-fledged market circulation are legally regulated by consequent deadlines, in particular overall survey each 20 years; soil judgment at least once per 7 years; economic assessment and regulatory monetary evaluation of these land plots at least once per 5-7 years. It is determined that in the background of permanent delay of adequate state activities on land conservation, the introduction of free agricultural land plots circulation constitutes a threat to qualitative social and economic changes in Ukraine. The articles reasons the consolidating approach to unlocking of moratorium on land plots alienation based on priority of the state constitutional mission concerning maintenance of high land conservation. The changes to the Land Code of Ukraine were suggested in the context of imposing the restrictions and requirements to full-scale preventive maintenance of priority conservation of agricultural land plots; defining of the terms of citizens’ constitutional rights implementation on precise land plot as an ownership object in the process of investment circulation. The author proves the fact that the right to first purchase of private property land plots, which are under the alienation ban until January 1, 2018, must belong exclusively to the state upon the terms defined thereof. The article suggests considering of state as the only first buyer of land plots and the rights to them that serve as the subject to the moratorium not as a denial of their market circulation, but rather as a state investment instrument, which unlocks moratorium on market circulation.
land plot, agricultural land plots’ circulation, unlocking of moratorium, priority of special land conservation
The article discusses peculiarities and consequences of destatization of agricultural lands while carrying out land reform in Ukraine. It proves illegality of Decree by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, adopted on 1992, December 26, No 15-92 and Decree of President, adopted on 1999, December 3, No1529/99; which have been imposed stage wise the legal circulation of agricultural lands according to specific forms of their intended use. The author represents the reasons of this circulation lay-off referring to the lands of commercial agriculture in 2001 as a basis for moratorium on their alienation under current conditions. It is determined that the legal circulation of land titles within rural communities has not lead to the improvement of their socioeconomic status and raising of living standards for rural sector. Present built-up of agricultural production in moratorium on land alienation confirms that the circulation of land titles is not a key factor for efficient agricultural development. Here is reasoned the point that moratorium on the land alienation of commercial agriculture and the change of their designation purpose come out from distrust of authorities due to the lack of viable supremacy of law in Ukraine, corruptness in land matters and passivity of law enforcement system towards prevention of shadow land circulation. Moratorium is ineffective unconstitutional remedies of economic rights for landholders (shares) of agricultural lands under shadow circulation of right onto these lands and random change of their designation purpose. The permanence of moratorium is also strengthened with liquidation of territorial ubiquity of local governance in Ukraine, with landlessness of territorial assemblies and drastic restriction in land matters warranted by the Constitution of Ukraine the competence of local governance and the other agents of land ownership. The article analyses the issues of inadequacy of institutional, informational, and economic backgrounds for providing land circulation of commercial agriculture; the absence of system-based purposeful state land policy in this sphere and respectively transparent effective procedures of its realization. The author avers the institutional drawbacks of State Land Cadastre administration; possible risks of their destructive influence regarding to circulation of agricultural lands and random change of designation purpose of agriculturally used areas. The article defines the approach to forming the governance economic mechanism of transparent lands circulation from preventively real decentralization of power in Ukraine.
circulation of agricultural lands, economic and legal principles of circulation, problems of circulation, rural area
The essences of sustainable rural development, its social and economic potential are described. It is proposed to consider a balanced development of rural areas as development, which met for the growing material and spiritual needs of the rural population based on scientifically-based coordination of cost-effective and environmentally acceptable use of social and economic potential of rural areas; socio-economic potential of sustainable rural development - as an expression of the total available capacity and available resources fully implemented to ensure the sustainable development of rural areas; production potential of rural areas - as a total annual economic impact of existing and intended use of the available productive resources of rural areas in terms of consistency of social and economic needs of the population with the requirements for environmentally sustainable nature. It is shown that in the absence of an effective system of monitoring socio-economic development of rural areas, the algorithm methods of assessing its production potential should be based on consideration of the nature of the production potential; availability, reliability and completeness of existing information resources, thus providing the possibility of its use and application objectivity and adequacy of the evaluation results. Approaches to the assessment of the productive potential of rural areas with regard to multifunctionary of its structure are based. One of which provides, inter alia, the establishing of total annual economic benefit in the form of total annual rental income of target appropriate land use designation as a territorial basis, natural resources, means of production to make economic activities that are located within the rural area. A procedure for the assessment of production potential of rural areas, taking into account the specific formation of rental income in using of agricultural and non-agricultural purposes are proposed. In particular, it is specified that as of Jan. 1, 2014 estimated annual rental income on individual agricultural land in Lviv region amounted to UAH per 1 hectare: arable land - 538.25, perennial plants - 398.93, hayfields - 128.29, pastures - 118 69. The peculiarities of data resources of the State Land Cadastre to assess the production potential of rural areas are highlighted. Directions of using the assessment results in order to ensure sustainable rural development are outlined. It is used for monitoring and forecasting changes under the influence of economic activity; development of scientifically based recommendations for the implementation of more efficient use of current and future social and economic potential of rural areas in general.
rural areas, sustainable development, production potential of rural territories, targeted land use, rental income, methods of assessing
The features of implementation and realization of rural areas development priorities in terms of market relations establishment are considered. The necessity and content of systemic eurointegrational modernization of rural areas development home policy directed at forming of preconditions for socio-economic sustainable development are substantiated. The set of rural areas development priorities, in particular self-consciousness preservation and self-identification reinforcement of rural population as a carrier of Ukrainian identity, culture and spirituality of the nation is determined. The article proposes the ways of rural population poverty overcoming on the base of rural economy diversification, incomes of the population, its employment and self-employment as well as substantiates development of rural area competitive advantages, environmental protection and rise in ecological protection level. The complex of immediate measures on the priorities’ realization in terms of economic reforms consistency is given.
rural area, sustainable development, priorities of rural areas development, eurointegrational modernization, economic reforms
The mechanisms of the state policy priorities of rural areas development in the process of its evolutionary establishment are considered. Their peculiarities and system inferiority are examined. The existence of “crisis – crisis extension – collapse – degradation” tendency of gradual depreciation of rural areas condition and deficiency of urgent preconditions for switch to the model of rural areas sustainable development in Ukraine are proved. The approaches to forming of priorities of state policy in development of rural areas on the basis of its eurointegrational modernization are determined.
rural area, rural areas development, state policy priorities of rural areas development
The article presents the research of theoretical approaches to the definition of notion ‘rural territory’. Characteristics and factors of legislative regulation of category’s gist are analysed. On the basis of rural territories determination and its identification as a real object of government regulation and monitoring the author’s variant of setting such term as ‘rural territory’ is substantiated and suggested. According to this statement rural territory is separated (including the adjusted city and urban settlement lines) and identificated by geospatial feature and administrative subordination territory of administrative-territorial formation with relevant structure, conditions, resources and characteristics.
The state and development peculiarities of Lviv Region industrial complex under present-day conditions have been considered. Sectoral and territorial tendencies of industrial development in terms of global financial crisis and the factors which have influenced negatively on industrial production development have been investigated. Essence of the anti-crisis programme of activity of Lviv Region authorities is exposed in the industrial sector of economy. The approaches to stabilization of industrial production development in terms of financial crisis have been outlined.
industrial complex, tendencies of industrial development, factors of industrial production development, stabilization of industrial production development
Zalutskyy, I. R., & Hnatkovych, D. I. (1999), Orhanizatsiya ratsional’noho vykorystannya ta okhorony zemel’ v umovakh provedennya zemel’noyi reformy [Organization of rational use and protection of land in conditions of implementation of land reform]. Lviv: Lviv State Agrarian University. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.04.064.005}
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2020). Metodychni pidkhody do vyokremlennya ta identyfikatsiyi sil’s’kykh terytoriy (u konteksti implementatsiyi yevropeys’koho dosvidu) [Methodical approaches to distinguishing and identifying rural areas (in the context of the implementation of european experience)] (2020). Ekonomika Ukrainy – Economy of Ukraine, 11, 41-49. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.03.073.018}
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2024). Problemni aspekty instytutsiyno-pravovoho zabezpechennya rozvytku ahlomeratsiy yak ob»yekta rehional’noyi polityky [Problematic aspects of the institutional and legal framework of the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 111(1), 34-48. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.120.004}