Patytska Khrystyna OlehivnaPh.D. of Economics
Senior Researcher of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Zaluts'kyy Ivan Romanovych
Storonyans'ka Iryna Zenoviyivna
UDC [332.122:338.43]:330.34:005; JEL O10, Q15, R52 Storonyanska, I. Z., Zalutskyy, I. R., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2022). Metodychni osnovy identyfikatsiyi zemel'nykh aktyviv u konteksti staloho rozvytku funktsional'nykh typiv terytoriy [Methodological foundations of land asset identification in the context of sustainable development of functional types of territories]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 5-23. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 27
UDC [332.122:338.43]:330.34; JEL C13, R12 Storonyanska, I. Z., Zalutskyy, I. R., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2021). Kryteriyi vyokremlennya ta instrumenty rozvytku problemnykh sil's'kykh terytoriy [Criteria for delineation and tools for the development of problem rural areas]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 101 (3), 73-90. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 31
UDC 332.1:316.4.063.4:005; JEL R11, R12 Patytska, Kh. O. (2020). Teoretychni zasady vyznachennya tsentro-peryferiynykh vzayemodiy v umovakh sotsial'no-ekonomichnoyi dyferentsiatsiyi rehional'noho rozvytku [Theoretical foundations of the center-periphery interactions determination in the conditions of socio-economic differentiation of regional development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 33-41. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 14
UDC 352.075.1(477.8); JEL O18, R11, R51 Patytska, Kh. O. (2019). Problemni aspekty formuvannya ta rozvytku ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad Karpats'koho rehionu [Problem aspects of forming and development of united territorial communities in Carpathian region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 92 (2), 36-44. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 7
UDC 334.012.74:[352/354+336]; JEL Н23, Н61, Н73 Storonyanska, I. Z., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2019). Administratyvno-finansova detsentralizatsiya: tsili reformy ta rezul'taty pershoho etapu [Administrative-financial decentralization: targets of the reform and the results of the first stage]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 91 (1), 3-13. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 8
UDC 330.366:334.012.74; JEL O18, O22, H30 Patytska, Kh. O. (2018). Napryamy stymulyuvannya ekonomichnoho rozvytku terytorial'nykh hromad v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [The directions of territorial communities’ economic development stimulation in the conditions of decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 39-48. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
UDC 332.012.33:334.012.74; JEL Н10, Н70, R12 Storonyanska, I. Z., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2017). Problemy ta napryamy optymizatsiyi protsesu formuvannya OTH: za rezul'tatamy pershoho etapu administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi [Problems and directions of optimization of the UTC forming process: according to the results of the first stage of administrative and financial decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 5-13. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 13
UDC [336.14:352]:336.22; JEL E62, H22, H70 Patytska, H. O. (2017). Osoblyvosti formuvannya podatkovykh dokhodiv mistsevykh byudzhetiv v umovakh finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi [Forming features for tax revenues of local budgets in terms of financial decentralisation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 53-62. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 9
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2019). Administratyvno-finansova detsentralizatsiya: tsili reformy ta rezul’taty pershoho etapu [Administrative-financial decentralization: reform goals and results of the first phase]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 91(1), 3-13. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.003.004}
Patytska, Kh. O. (2015). Finansova detsentralizatsiya yak osnova formuvannya samodostatnikh terytorial’nykh hromad [Financial decentralization as a basis for the formation of self-sufficient local communities]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Effective Economy, 10. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.134.004}
Storonyanska, I. Z, & Patytska, Kh. O. (2019). Administratyvno-finansova detsentralizatsiya: tsili reformy ta rezul’taty pershoho etapu [Administrative and financial decentralization: goals of the reform and results of the first stage]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1, 3-13. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.005.003}
Storonyanska, I., Patytska, Kh., Hrynchyshyn, I., & Chemerys, V. (2020). Prostorovi dysproportsiyi u rozvytky terytorial’noyi hromady v umovakh administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi [Spatial disproportions in development of territorial community under conditions of administrative and financial decentralization]. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 6 (4), 43-62. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.081.006}
Storonyanska, I., Patytska, K., Hrynchyshyn, I., & Chemerys, V. (2020). Spatial disproportions in development of territorial community under conditions of administrative and financial decentralization. Agricultural and Resource Economics, 6(4), 43-62. DOI: {re2021.03.028.006}
Popadynets, N. M., Patytska, Kh. O., Pityulych, M. M., & Keretsman, N. I. (2019). Analiz efektyvnosti vykorystannya pryrodno-resursnoho potentsialu ob"yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad Ukrayiny [Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of natural resource potential of united territorial communities of Ukraine]. In Naukovyy visnyk Poltavs’koho universytetu ekonomiky i torhivli. Seriya: Ekonomichni nauky [Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series: Economics]: Vol. 3(94) (pp. 65-76). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.04.033.001}
Hrynchyshyn, I., Panukhnyk, O., Bil, M., Popadynets, N., Patytska, Kh., Leshchukh, I. (2019). Scientific-methodical foundations of estimation of territorial communities’ endogenous capacity in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization. In Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019) (pp. 314-319). DOI: {re2022.04.033.003}
Patytska, Kh., Panukhnyk, O., Popadynets, N., & Kramarenko, I. (2021). Forming the Territorial Communities’ Local Budgets in Ukraine Under Decentralization: Current Condition and Management Tasks. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 14(2), 23-30. DOI: {re2022.04.033.011}
Hrynchyshyn, I. M., Bil, M. M., Leshchukh, I. V., Patytska, Kh. O., & Popadynets, N. M. (2019). Zmitsnennya spromozhnosti terytorial’nykh hromad na osnovi efektyvnoho vykorystannya endohennoho potentsialu [Strengthening the capacity of territorial communities on the basis of effective use of endogenous potential]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Reseach of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.034.003}
Patytska, K., Panukhnyk, O., Popadynets, N., & Kramarenko, I. (2021). Forming the territorial communities’ local budgets in Ukraine under decentralization: current condition and management tasks. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 14(2), 23-30. DOI: {re2023.01.034.005}
Pelekhatyy, A. O., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2019). Mis’ka ahlomeratsiya yak mekhanizm vzayemodiyi terytorial’nykh hromad v umovakh administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi v Ukrayini [Urban agglomeration as a tool of interaction of territorial communities in conditions of administrative and financial decentralization in Ukraine]. In Vcheni zapysky TNU imeni V. I. Vernads’koho. Seriya: Екоnomika i upravlinnya [Scientific notes of Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University. Series: Economy and Management]: Vol. 30(69): 3 (pp. 116-123). [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.02.034.007}
Hrynchyshyn, I., Panukhnyk, O., Bil, M., Popadynets, N., Patytska, Kh., Leshchukh, I. (2019). Scientific-methodical foundations of estimation of territorial communities’ endogenous capacity in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization. In Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019) (pp. 314-319). DOI: {re2023.02.041.002}
Hrynchyshyn, I., Panukhnyk, O., Bil, M., Popadynets, N., Patytska, Kh., & Leshchukh, I. (2019). Scientific-methodical foundations of estimation of territorial communities’ endogenous capacity in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization. In Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019) (pp. 314-319). DOI: {re2023.03.028.002}
Patytska, Kh., Panukhnyk, O., Popadynets, N., & Kramarenko, I. (2021). Forming the Territorial Communities’ Local Budgets in Ukraine Under Decentralization: Current Condition and Management Tasks. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 14(2), 23-30. DOI: {re2023.03.028.010}
Patytska, Kh. (2019). Finansovo-ekonomichnyy potentsial terytorial’nykh hromad: mekhanizmy funktsionuvannya ta aktyvizatsiyi [Financial and economic potential of territorial communities: mechanisms of functioning and activation]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Series «Problems of regional development»). [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.04.013.005}
Pelekhatyy, A. O., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2019). Mis’ka ahlomeratsiya yak mekhanizm vzayemodiyi terytorial’nyk hhromad v umovakh administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi v Ukrayini [Urban agglomeration as a tool of interaction of territorial communities in conditions of administrative and financial decentralization in Ukraine]. Vcheni zapysky Tavriys'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni V. I. Vernads'koho. Seriya: Ekonomika i upravlinnya – Scientific notes of Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University. Series: Economy and Management, 30(69):3, 116-123. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.03.052.011}