UDC 330.15:504.062.2:330.3 Khvesyk, M. A. (2008). Ekoloho-ekonomichne rehulyuvannya pryrodokorystuvannya v systemi hlobal'nykh stratehiy rozvytku [Ecological-Economic Regulation Nature M|anagement in the System of Global Strategies of Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 64-76. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 9
ResumeUrgent problems of ecological-economic nature use regulation in the system of development global strategy, role of nature-resource restrictions of social economic development and benefits for Ukraine from integration are covered, the new approaches concerning of formation institutional interaction space between the nature protection international organizations and the separate countries governments are offered.
Keywords:nature use, ecological-economic regulation, resource economic factor, ecological strategy, institutional space