Klyoba, L. G. (2008). Metodychni pidkhody do vykorystannya reinzhynirynhu i benchmarkinhu v zabezpechenni efektyvnoho upravlinnya investytsiynoyu diyal'nistyu bankiv [The Methodical Approaches to the Use of Reengineering and Benchmarking in the Providing of Effective Management Investment Activity of Banks]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 49(3), 110-119. [in Ukrainian].
ResumeOn the modern stage of alteration of the domestic banking system is a question of the use of the newest technologies and instruments, necessary for perfection of management bank investment activity with the purpose of the providing of the reliable and effective investing money by banks in development of economy is extremely urgent. Practical recommendations concerning the use of reengineering and benchmarking for perfection of management bank investment activity have been offered.
Keywords:reengineering, benchmarking, bank investment activity