Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2012.01.069

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 658.14/.17
Pryadko, V. V., Yevdokymenko, V. K., Yuriy, Y. O., & Karvatsky, M. V. (2012). Vdoskonalennya metodyky otsinky finansovoho stanu pidpryyemstv u konteksti rehulyuvannya yikh ekonomichnoyi povedinky v minlyvomu seredovyshchi [Improvement of Enterprises’ Financial Condition Evaluation Methodics in the Context of their Economic Behaviour Regulation in Variable Environment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 69-80. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12



The essence and reasonable necessity of improvement of enterprises’ financial condition evaluation as the main entities of economic relations have been considered. On the basis of existing methodological approaches analysis the improved methodology of the business entities’ financial status integral assessment as a mean of controlling their economic behavior in a changing environment has been proposed. Alternative author methodology to differentiate indicators of financial condition according to their rate and tendency has been suggested. Benefits of the proposed methodology have been proved.


financial analyses, financial management, financial condition, financial quotients, current liquidity quotient, convertibility quotient, rate and tendency indicators

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