UDC 336.581 Zablotsky, M. B. (2013). Liberal'no-tsentralizovana finansovo-rynkova rehulyatyvna systema i prychyny natsional'no-rehional'nykh platizhnykh kryz [Liberal-Centralized Financial-Market Regulatory System and Causes of National and Regional Payments Crises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 70(4), 106-116. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 8
ResumeMethodology of formation of liberal-centralized financial-market regulatory system is grounded. The ratio of proportions of private and non-private property as the basis of a liberal attraction of investment and labor to manufacture the product and make the profit, and centralized regulation of aggregate demand as a factor in the revival of consumption and enhance of production is revealed. It was found that the liberal-centralized financial-market regulatory system leads as to the relative balance of financial and commodity markets, and to the appearance of liquidity and payments crises.
Keywords:private and non-private property, aggregate demand, money supply, investment, natural product, liquidity crisis, payment crisis