Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.098

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.34:[332.122:338.43]:332.025.1:005.216.3; JEL O18, Q01, R11
Honcharenko, I. V., & Bohoslavska, A. V. (2017). Kontseptsiya «Smart City» u zabezpechenni staloho rozvytku sil's'kykh poselen' [Тhe concept of «Smart City» in order to achieve a sustainable development of rural settlements]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 98-104. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 15



Negative tendencies in the social, economical, cultural, demographical and ecological processes make differences between level of life and economic development of rural and urban areas even stronger.
It is obvious that under such conditions, development of the areas by using methods and models of the last century is already impossible. Therefore, the approaches implemented by world leaders should be taken into account, because in many countries, cities and corporations the task of the first order is the formation and implementation of innovative strategies for sustainable development as a basic security model in the future.
At the initiative of technology corporations the concept of «smart city» has become very popular, first of all because this concept in the current interpretation has combined capabilities of information, modern technology and communication of social capital in the process of achievement of sustainable development goals.
Ukraine is also involved in the global trends as in the Strategy for Sustainable Development «Ukraine – 2020» it is stressed that it is necessary to ensure sustainable development of the country, raising living standards, sustainable economic growth in an environmentally sustainable manner. In 2016, a web service «Smart City» was developed; it implements the concept of «Smart City» in terms of IT and provides tools for the process optimization government and combat corruption.
An experience of the developed countries shows that implementation of the ideas of «Smart City» helps to improve technology of the energy efficiency, reduce environmental pollution, increase social inclusion and also can give ability for businesses to provide a good return of their investments, and for public to have an attractive and healthy environment for life. Obviously, ability to process information, a modern infrastructure and creative management may be associated with small towns.
The basic elements of settlements’ development under the principles of «Smart City» can be the following: creating of the innovation center for searching and selection of the most effective technologies in order to ensure the functioning of the settlement; providing of an open access to the projects of «Smart Cities» in order to attract all residents; creating of a culture of the population behavior according to the new requirements; investing into the staff training and attracting of the qualified professionals from other regions; improving of the quality of life of specific people (the technology of «smart home», security systems) and socially relevant initiatives («smart» technologies in energy, housing); ensuring of the availability of self-government technology for all segments of society.
Therefore, for rural settlements of Ukraine a sustainable development approaches, the investments particularly into the social and human capital, a modern information and communication infrastructure, the production technology will provide economic development, an improvement of the quality of life and environmental management.


sustainable development, rural settlements, concept of «Smart City»


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Sources: 6

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